Dreagorians Ethnicity in Oakren | World Anvil
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A Dreagorian is a human who was born in, hails from, or who’s parental heritage hails from Dreagor. Most Dreagorians have sun-tanned skin, but lighter brown and not uncommonly blonde hair. This is likely due to the fact lighter color reflects more light and heat than it absorbs, and lighter hair will therefore result in a cooler head. The most common eye color for a Dreagorian is chocolate brown, and second, green-gray. The stereotypical Dreagorian is a diplomatic, but rough around the edges and often uncultured. Most native Dreagorians grew up in Half-Way Point, where all problems are solved diplomatically and by talking and debate. However, Dreagor is relatively shut off from the rest of the world, and many Dreagorians aren’t very aware or sensitive of other cultures.


Major language groups and dialects

Most Dreagorians tend to speak Common, and there is no official language for them.

Shared customary codes and values

Dreagorians tend to be a diplomatic and cautious bunch, and value truth, privacy, and fair testimony over many other things.

Average technological level

Dreagorians are a small bit behind on the modern technology of most humans. Growing up in such a secluded spot, Dreagorians often don’t get access, or even hear of too much in the way of technology.

Common Etiquette rules

From an early age, Dreagorians are taught to listen to others, and to hear both side of the story to make an accusation or verdict. They are taught the importance of telling the truth, and the importance of discerning the truth from lies. However, growing up in such a secluded region, they are never really taught the culture of other or how to respect them. Fortunately, this shortcoming is well balanced out by a Dreagorian’s ability to listen and learn, and to respect what others have to say.

Common Dress code

How a Dreagorian dresses is directly attributed to their job and role in the community. A simple merchant will often wear a shawl, simple shirt, cut off breeches, and sandals. A farmer will also wear a hat and neck covering for sunburn, and bandages on their arms to keep from injuring themselves on that sharp barbs of thistle-wheat.

Art & Architecture

Dreagorians are a simplistic people. The settlement in which most of the live prevents them from erecting permanent structures, ingrained into their mind a sense of impermanence and simplicity. Most lived in tents and stands throughout their childhood, with not much in the way of luxury or relaxation. There was little that was unimportant or unnecessary. 

Major organizations

Half-Way Point was founded by humans to facilitate the end to the third War of the Wastes. Since then, generations of humans have been born there.
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