Sylfi Llewyn Character in Oaken'Ash | World Anvil
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Sylfi Llewyn

Sylfi Llewyn (a.k.a. Little One)

With a humble beginning, Sylfi was taken to Dueam by her brother Geo, manifesting a link to a divine presence at an early age. It was here she was schooled in a variety of magic, finding a delight in the healing aura's and the life giving energies.   Although Sylfi was far from a studious student and her animosity and fear to necromancy soon became the reason she left. With barely half an education she made her way south ultimately ending up in Ashbourne. It would be here that, her real lessons would begin.   Now faced with a war between demons and the living. Sylfi does everything in her power to protect her friends and family that she has made in Ashbourne. Arriving recently in Dueam again she seeks aid and counsel. Facing her fears of necromancy and her old mentor Miss Clavel. Sylfi will do anything she can to help save the city of Ashbourne.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Small framed and strong, Sylfi is still growing under her own belief.

Body Features

Sylfi is short, much shorter then many other gnomes her age and much shorter then many more you'll ever meet in Oaken'ash. She stands at a proud height of two foot tall. Her physical aspects are stronger then one would seem, capable in her own right to wield a mace that can pack quite a hit. With callouses on her fingers from clutching the grip of the mace tightly, this little gnome hold herself with determination and resilience

Facial Features

Its hard to determine what you would notice about Sylfi's features on first glance. Her eyes seem to exhibit a captivating green crystal colouring, that dance when she smiles and laughs. Her teeth are slightly crooked and bent, one of her lower teeth is chipped from a incident involving a rock and an ogre.   Under her eyes sit a sporting of freckles and occasional dirt. Although recently a darkness sits under her eyes, heavy eye lids from stress and night terrors.   Since recent events though, perhaps the burn upon her left cheek would be the most obvious. Stretching all down her neck and engulfing her arm. The burn across her face still radiates a heat a constant reminder to her and others of the fires she has walked through and survived.

Identifying Characteristics

Once upon a love story, the Llewyn family was given a blessing from a dryad. This blessing manifests itself throughout the Llewyn family as vibrant pink hair. You can spot any member of Sylfi's family by the colour of their hair. Sylfi's in particularly has a fondness for being messy and rarely staying tamed in its braids.

Physical quirks

When Sylfi is thinking or concerned, she runs her fingers across the symbols of her charm bracelet. Lately, she is finding a frustration as the feel of the symbols is impossible through her gauntlet.

Special abilities

Channel Divinity: Preserve Life As an action, you can restore 65 HP. Choose any creatures within 30 ft. of you, and divide those hit points among them. This feature can restore a creature to no more than half of its hit point maximum. You can’t use this feature on an undead or a construct.   Channel Divinity: Turn Undead As an action, you present your holy symbol and speak a prayer censuring the undead. Each undead that can see or hear you within 30 feet of you must make a WIS saving throw (DC 19). If the creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can’t take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.

Apparel & Accessories

Guardians Promise - A dark metal gauntlet that has seared itself to Sylfi's left arm. The metal shines a myriad of colours reflecting the malicious flames that lay within in. Dormant within the arm, a sleeping Imix lies.   Holy Symbol - On Sylfi's right wrist, a charm bracelet of gold and silver sit. With eight individual charms representing the gods, Sylfi is rarely seen without it.

Specialized Equipment

As a life cleric, Sylfi has a particular fondness for healing and buffing her allies. Due to this, Lanath blesses her often with many healing spells in her spell list for each day.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity


Mental Trauma


Personality Characteristics


Sylfi's current motivation is to help the city of Ashbourne, however she understands she cannot do it alone. Her focus has been getting stronger and creating allies around the world.   On a grand scale, Sylfi firmly believes it is her task as a cleric of Lanath to leave the world better then it was when she got here. She wishes to help as many people as she can along the way of her journey.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Unless specifically told to keep a secret, Sylfi can lean towards oversharing in certain scenarios.   With a heart filled with the desire to believe the good in people, Sylfi can trust a little to easily. Getting herself into rather challenging situations with the wrong types of people.


Sylfi never quite put too much effort into her appearance or hygiene, having known to many as having notoriously terrible table manners as well. Her hair is usually falling out of its braids as the loose hair ties to their best to manage such volume and intensity.


Contacts & Relations

Beastkin, Ashkin, Bubbles - Sylfi and Ashkin's relationship has always been one of light hearted jokes and silent admiration. Until one fateful funeral service, where the two got intoxicated and Sylfi learnt about Ashkin's desire to get stronger. Using her family connection to the gnomish community in Kettlebottom, Ashkin was able to become a Tursogg. A powerful metal evolution of a goliath race. To continue with the party, Ashkin would have to give up his free will and swear service to Sylfi and her family, reforming as guardian bot "AZH41N". As to keep things simple, she renamed him "Bubbles" and ensured that he was still the same Ashkin that went into the procedure.   They journeyed to Dueam together and it was here Ashkin would make his ultimate sacrifice and change the course of history forever. In a battle between Imix in the bathroom of Lanath's temple, Ashkin through down his life to save Sylfi. Uttering his final phrase "Your everything I ever wanted to be, let nothing extinguish your light, my life for yours"   Sylfi carries his words heavy in her heart, ensuring she too becomes stronger, instilling in her moral the importance of friendship and sacrifice.   Corbel - Although their time together was short, Sylfi looked up to Corbel, admiring her strength and resolve. Sylfi took comfort in Corbel's presence, often wondering what was going on in her thoughts.   Makari - Although forgotten, since the events of "The Descent", Makari taught Sylfi how to defend herself physically in a fight. His monk training resonating with her, after the events of Guardian's Promise. Learning to focus her strength and pack quite a punch. Makari's words ever playing in the back of her mind, "It's not your job to save everyone, and if it is, then the gods are cruel as that a cruel burden to place upon someone"   Illkylli - The sassy and powerful paladin of Thrum. Illkylli could cut kings down with her insults. Sylfi taught Illkylli gnomish in return Illkylli would often protect her and aid her in battle.   Phalanges - The rather curious "regular" human of the party. He temporarily showed up while pilfering through their dead companions gold. In a few days he managed to secure himself a successful bar in town. Sylfi was always unsure of his motives, but enjoyed listening to Orryn and Phal banter and bicker.   Pog - One of the original goliaths of the party, Sylfi and Pog had a mischievous relationship their quick discovery of being the two lower intelligent members of the party. However it was during a rather crazy body swap incident where Sylfi would learn the value of physical strength and combat prowess. During this time Pog, who shared Sylfi's body at the time was recognised as a goliath or "Kinsu" by Utaag the Fire Giant. Sylfi still holds this pride to this day recognising herself as "Half-Goliath". Pog was also the other creative in the party, after his death they discovered his aptitude for art. Sylfi delivered Pog's eulogy after his death recognising his strength and his creativity.     Orryn Bilgrim Jangovar Ridley Nyra Lady Clavel Carlton Utaag Barnicle Brian Risten and Erla Drake Ballard Echo Nyra

Family Ties

Geo Taiti Selanna

Hobbies & Pets

Flicka is a winter wolf, said to originate from the cold northern mountains of Eshtidore. He was once owned by Ashkin, yet since the events of Guardians Promise, Flicka now looks after Sylfi.

Wealth & Financial state

Sylfi was born into reasonably poor ties, many of the family members took to working together to provide food and what was needed for the family. With recent events, Sylfi mostly spends her gold on spell components but is saving up for something very special...she just hasn't figured out what it is yet

A little pink haired gnome with a fire within her heart to bring good into the world. Sylfi does everything she can to help others and bring light and life to the people around her in the name of her deity, Lanath.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Deity of the Kobold Butterfly Cult   High Priestess of Ashbourne   Trainee Life Cleric
Early Teens
Current Residence
Dueam, The Holy City
Crystal clear Green with flecks of gold
Bright pink thick hair pulled into two tight braids that sit above her shoulders, and a side fringe.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white skin, occasionally red hues from the sun
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I forgive you" Sylfi to Valire, the God of War, after the events of Guardian's Promise   "I didn't come all this way, to end up exactly where I started" Sylfi to Triceal the Trickster God   "You know...I think it might be a cult" Sylfi to the party after spending two days around a tribe of Kobolds that worship her.
Known Languages
Common, Gnomish and Sylvan

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Life's Meaning

"And, what does life mean to you Sylfi?"   "Well...Life is a mystery isn't it? It is both wonderful and tragic, exciting and terrible it is both love and loss. It's a journey that is explored forwards but to truly understand it, one must be able to look backwards. Life at its core, is like an empty garden or a clean journal. Life means to me what it should mean for everyone, without it there is no meaning and with it...unlimited potential"

Lanath's Story

Once upon a time, Lanath was sad so all her brothers and sisters decided to help make her feel better.   Wilroth said "I will bring her flowers and animals for her to love and nurture with her kind spirit"   Thrum said "I will bring her a stormy horizon with lightning and thunder and the soft trickle of rain to wash away her tears"   Hosun exclaimed "I will bring her the light of the sun, so she may always see her way through the darkness"   Valire bellowed "I will bring her the glory of battle, the cheer of victory and the ferocity of swords so she will feel strong and courageous"   Arkome said "I will bring her books and knowledge to learn so she will feel educated and confident"   Triceal said "I will bring her laughter and tricks so she will feel joy and happiness"   Xantu was not sure what to bring, he could bring death or darkness but Lanath would not like that   Then Xantu had an idea   "I will bring the end, so that all things may start a new. New stories can be written and new songs may be sung so Lanath can always experience the joys of what is. She may see all the new things and hold dear the memory of what was"   The siblings looked at Lanath   She smiled and said "For I love all your gifts, I will share them with the world so everyone may feel the wonderment of your love"   So Lanath waved her magic tambourine and life was made and everyone rejoiced!   The End

A Trickster's Choice
29th of Willic

"So, I'd forget everything, every scratch. every scar, every hurt...every pain? "   Triceal, the God of Trickery nodded slowly, the flicker of the candlelight around them illuminating the soft fur upon the cats back. I sighed heavily taking in every inch of my own bedroom "I'd wake up each morning and feel the warmth of my mothers arms, the strength of my brothers hands holding mine, the smile on my fathers face?"   "Overtime you would forget everything from you previous life" The cat spoke with curiosity   "It sounds so nice...but I haven't swum to the bottom of the seas to feast with a king of an ocean, flown high on the back of a golden dragon, gifted ancient armours from a devil who sought to be my ally, befriended a giant with songs and art, brought alliances between feuding Hadrial. One now even shares my own body. I have visited you brothers realm and forgiven him for the hurt he caused me, loved your sister with my whole heart and sat with her while she wept, I taught a city to hope after death, to stand next to my enemy and call him friend. I haven't walked so long through the fire, that nothing can burn me anymore. I haven't journeyed this finish exactly where it began"   Reflecting the choice was simple, I could not leave behind everything I had accomplished for a life I never knew...That however did not mean that the choice was any easier

The Eulogy for Pog
27 Tiloch 503

I want to start this with a story...A story filled with darkness, despair and hurt...One where the very light inside us is consumed by the essence of a gods rage. Lost upon a sea of madness befixed by the very beauty of suffering. What would you do?   He fought...He fought for all of us, he fought every battle, every challenge, every trial and test. He fought until his last breath...when we reached for that last whisper of life, begging it to come back...he could fight no more   It's hard to turn the page when you know someone won't be in the next chapter. The manuscript of life has a funny way to ensure we cannot cheat, we cannot read the end before the beginning we must push forward, every word our legacy, the story evertelling.   Pog will be remembered by most as a fighter, a conquer of the arena, a destroyer of devils and a hero of the city of Ashbourne but I beg you remember him as an artist, a crafter and blacksmith to a forgotten world. The anvil of new life begins at the first sound of connection.   Let the blacksmiths of Ashbourne hammer at his name, may the painters line their canvas with the colors of a thousand memories, may the brawlers live to fight for Pog the Undefeated. May his memories never be forgotten   We are broken, scattered, torn but during our darkest times standing together is our strength. Our chains never rattled by the fear of the darkness. For the drums of Valire will never sound if we stand together. For the battlecry of the suffering will never be heard if we fight as one. For even the lost souls of the broken, will let light shine through. So in Pogs name we drink, we fight...we create


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