The Horror of Korren Character in Novus | World Anvil
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The Horror of Korren

A Higher Demon from from the Brother's War, slain during the Reclamation.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Horror of Korren is a physically imposing creature, though quite small for a Greater Demon. Its body is comprised entirely of a thick, leathery hide that peels out and over its 'face'. Its head is completely smooth, off-white bone devoid of eyes or a nose. The smooth bone of its face is divided by several dozen serrated edges.     The Horror of Korren is muscular and ape-like, balancing on a pair of pronged forearms.

Special abilities

Like most Greater Demons, the Horror of Korven is incredibly strong and durable. In addition to this, the Horror of Korven has is able to generate a incredibly thin beam of energy from its mouth that instantly transfers whatever it touches to the roils of Chaos.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Horror of Korren was a Greater Demon brought to the Material during the Brother's War. Summoned by the Black Army, the Horror of Korren plagued the remnants of the old kingdom, slaughtering tens of thousands.    One of the dozens of Greater Demons left after the conclusion of the war, the Horror of Korren was inevitably slain by Aurel Thraven during the Reclamation.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Killed and consumed tens of thousands.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black as pitch
Well over fifteen feet tall
Approx 20,000 pounds

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