The Bloody Emissary Myth in Novellia | World Anvil
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The Bloody Emissary

No one is truly sure that The Bloody Emissary truly exists, but even the least superstitious of warriors believe in some part of their soul that they exist and hope to never see them. In ancient times when the world was still in its infancy, small villages of people lived in isolation from one another, not knowing the others existed. Theses people would try to stay within their bounds except for the hunters that fed and scavenged for the village. One day the leader of one of the villages started to believe that they could not be the only people in existence and decided to leave the village with a group of 20 hunters, vowing to return with proof that other settlements existed. His name was Lemtis Boneshield and his actions were condemned by the village as they believed he had gone insane and, by taking 20 of the village's hunters, had doomed the village to starve.   Undeterred, Boneshield travelled for a month, wading through lush savannahs, trail through thick forests, and climbing over great mountains until he finally gazed upon that which he had been searching for. Another village, not unlike his own, with a clear boundary and a hunting party arriving back with game and supplies for the village. Boneshield decided not to rush into any decision and found a nearby cave to make camp in, so they could easily study the village and plan their approach.  The group made camp and rested for the night, waking to find an old man sitting alone by the fire. Confused, but cautiously, Boneshield sat with the man and the two had a quiet conversation too soft for the other men to hear, except for the words, "leave or you shall reap what you sow". After a time the man stood up, shook boneshields hand and walked off in the complete opposite direction to the nearby village.    Boneshield, ever the head strong warrior, brushed much of the conversation aside as the ramblings of a crazy old man and after a week of scouting the village decided that they could easily sneak in and kill their warriors and rule the village as a vassal of his own. And so, on the eve of the eighth day, Boneshield and his men slipped into the village under the cover of darkness and slit the hunters' throats as they slept. By morning, all the hunters were dead and Boneshield had declared himself the ruler of this village, which he swiftly renamed to Lemtis after himself.   It took another week to fully subject the people of the village, after which Boneshield appointed his second in command to stay with 15 of his men and keep the village under control while he took the remaining 5 men, some supplies and women from the new village and returned home. As they grew nearer to the village the smell of smoke started to fill the air and Boneshield's heart sank until they pushed through the clearing and his worst fears had been revealed. His village had been burnt and his people all slaughtered, at which point a familiar voice drifted on the wind and in the distance he could see the old man sitting on a stone so large it was surely impossible to climb saying, "you reap what you sow".   Lemtis Boneshield is considered the first conquerer, but his life was marked with tragedy as the old man's words rippled along the river of time. Ever since, warriors have sometimes claimed to see an old man watching them march from a distance not long before tragedy befell the attackers. The old man has been known as The Bloody Emissary for millennia and is believed to appear to those whose cause is unjust and warns them of the tragedy that will befall them should they continue on their path.

In Art

The Bloody Emissary is depicted in a number of cave paintings and tapestries. He is often seen sitting on the winning side looking across to the loosing side. One particularly philosophical artist created the famous painting showing The Bloody Emissary looking down on the entire world. The artist believed that all of the world's actions have been a cause of Boneshield's misguided desires and so the whole world acts unjustly. This is also the first written record of the name The Bloody Emissary, leading many to believe this is where the name originated.

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