The Pillars of Heaven in Nov Matar | World Anvil
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The Pillars of Heaven

After the Battle of the Ancients, the Archenlord cast The Fallen away from Nov Matar and sealed their power away by constructing the eight Pillars of Heaven upon the eight corners of Nov Matar.   The connection of these Pillars forms a web of energy around Nov Matar that many call the Veil.   The Cardinal Pillars, those that stand at the extent of the four cardinal directions, are called the Divine Pillars. The ancient Kindred who reached them found themselves in great awe of their beauty and fear of their maker and built into their defenses great temples which are named for the winds as well.    The InterCardinal Pillars are called the Arcane Pillars. The Kindred who found these were amazed and inspired by the power they held and built huge towers around them whereby they would study the Veil and its secrets. These towers, and their Pillars, are named for the four primary celestial lights: sun, moons, stars and aurora.   Calling these Pillars either divine or arcane is really mistaken, for the Cardinal Pillars are not particularly more divine as the Intercardinals and the Intercardinals are no more arcane in nature than the Cardinals.

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