Salabar Settlement in Nornlain | World Anvil
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Salabar is located at the northernmost part of Almasnazi county, which does not make it an ideal location for a capital.   The town is located where it is because it is a perfect chole point on the Great North-South road.   It allows the Duke to control the road, and in the event of a conflict, allows him to stop an enemy from the north entering the most fertile and valuable areas of the county.


The Duke's Court has its permanent home here.  The Court travels throughout the county but the records and civil servants are located here.   This is also where the core of the Duke's army is located.

Industry & Trade

The town exists first and foremost for where the permanent civil service of the county is located.   It is also on one of the two branches of the Great North-South road, meaning the town sees a fair amount of travellers.   This not much of a town for commerce


There is a strong-walled town located on a set of hills which create a narrow valley for the Great North-South road to pass-through.  The main town part is on the western hill while the Duke's castle and palace are on the eastern hill.   There is a wall that runs between the two with gates for the road.

Guilds and Factions

With the Duke's Court on the road for much of the year, there are almost no factions active in Salabar.


The town is located in the uppermost reaches of the Kidlossiker basin.  It is located at the start of the hilly uplands splitting the Kidlossiker basin from the Ravsak basin.  It is also on the edges of the evergreen forest of the hills.
Owning Organization

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