Noterack Item in Nornlain | World Anvil
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The most common instrument in Cantumland, the Noterack is a handheld plucked or struck string instrument, normally strung with wisthread, though other strings can be substituted.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The resonance of the air vibrated by the strings of different lengths creates different tones, experts can pluck any number of lines along their thread at once by tugging at their wisthread mentally. Musical notation notes the number of 'hands' required to perform the song in the title. 'E.g. Harriet's Sonata for twelve hands.'
Item type
Musical Instrument
Raw materials & Components
At it's most rustic, it can be built from two plank of wood with holes drilled in for pegs and the thread, and rods to separate the boards.
Woodworking tools

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