Fonta Settlement in Nornlain | World Anvil
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Fonta is a very important town in Giula because it controls access to the Apavik river.   The river connects the ocean with the great Boglio Lake.


Fonta has a very varied population because it is such an important port.  The lands around Fonta are close to 100% Gedarran people


The city is governed by the ruler of the county but he is advised by a council of the burghers


The town is located inland from the ocean because it is a location that can be easily defended.  Fonta is located where a set of local hills create headlands on both sides of the river making it possible to build strong defences along the river.   There is a chain that stretches across the river when the river is not open to travel.

Guilds and Factions

  • Guild of Navigators
  • Merchants guild
  • Warehouse owners
  • Shipbuilders Association
  • Shipwrights guild
Owning Organization

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