Falimran Settlement in Nornlain | World Anvil
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This is arguably the most important town in the county because of the vital link between the Great North-South Road and the Rasvak river.   The formal and informal town stretch for close to seven kilometres downstream from the bridge.   This is a sprawling narrow town.   Farmers downstream near the town have over generations made use their location to offer spots for new docks, warehouses, and businesses.


The town is not that large but there is a large rural population in the area.   Some of areas that really are economically part of the town are not formally in the town.


Due to the importance of this town it is directly controlled by the Duke through a governor he appoints.

Industry & Trade

This is one of the most important transportation locations in Habuda because it is where the Ravsak river and the Great North-South road connect.   There is a small industry dealing with livestock   There is some forests not too far away from here making this a good location for ship owners to repair their ships.   There is a small industry building river barges here.


A bridge over the Rasvak river is located here.  There is a sturdy defensive castle. The town stretches along the south side of the river with several kilometres of docks.

Guilds and Factions

Merchants Guild Sailors Brotherhood Cartage Guild Tanners Guild Fullers Guild Shipwrights Assocation   Guild of External Mechants - this ia guild for merchants for other lands like Atonia or Achi


The location has geology that allows for the large bridge to exist on the river at this point.   East of here the river does not allow for even medium-sized ships to travel.   The Great North-South road bends quite a way westwards to reach this point even though it does not need to except for the importance of the location that allows for even fairly large ships on the Ravsak to reach this point.   Because the river is narrowed here it allows for good locations for riverside docks to exist.
Owning Organization

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