Al Joqiqa Earldom Organization in Nornlain | World Anvil
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Al Joqiqa Earldom

The Al Joqiqa Earldom is underdeveloped and relatively poor.      Saiyahe was once a small town but it has a relatively large Alasafa refugee population

Demography and Population

154,000 people live here, 20,000 of them are refugees from Alasafa


The Earldom has an area of 24,000 sq km.   The Taatuuseq River runs through the centre of the Earldom to the coast.

Agriculture & Industry

There is limited agriculture.   There is a moderate fishing industry on the coast but the fish is processed and exported from Muhar in Hateria.  The timber industry in not well developed.

Trade & Transport

The Earldom lies on the road that connects the Three Great Western Ports or Kalrab, Umeiyah, and Muhar.  The road is maintained by the neighbouring provinces as they need it for their own commerce.  The Earls would like to charge a toll but given their neighbours pay to maintain the road and are much stronger than them.
Geopolitical, County / March
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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