Ajma Qos Settlement in Nornlain | World Anvil
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Ajma Qos

Ajma Qos exists because it is where the Great North-South road crosses the Tuusuaq River with a bridge.  In return for building a strong stone bridge at the narrows in the river at this location, the local baron was given the right to charge tolls for use of the bridge.


The village is part of the Barony of Ajma Qos, which, even though it is a small barony, is a very rich one from the tolls.


The west side of the bridge has a small castle controlling access to the bridge.  On the east side there is a significant castle and walled village which block access to the bridge

Industry & Trade

Ajma Qos acts as a bit of a local market town but the nearby town of Birablah is the actual regional centre.   The main income is from the tolls charged by the local Baron to cross the bridge.  The Baron  makes a good living from the tolls because this is in a fertile agricultural area with a regional population of well over 50,000.  The bridge is part of the Great North-South Road and it is the only bridge this is the only river crossing


A castle and a stone bridge over the Tuusuaq river


In the year XXXX, the Baron of Ajma Qos was given permission to build the bridge and charge a toll


Given the wealth of the Baron, the village has a lot of very well built beautiful buildings.   Statues abound.   Stain glass is used a lot.


The river narrows at this point and the eastern bank is a strong rock outcropping.
Owning Organization

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