Flute of Nori Item in No Heroes, No Villains | World Anvil
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Flute of Nori

The Flute of Nori is the instrument used by the super human Nori de Fleurs.  


The origin of this instrument is unknown, Nori never talked about it, but some historians mention that this instrument could have been created around the XIX century, this instrument could potentially been the sources of inspiration of the popular tale, Pied Piper of Hamelin, but nothing can potentially link that theory together, since the mantle of Nori de Fleurs has been of single used and since the disappearance in action of the super human, no new information has bee establish about its origins.  


The Flute has an appearance similar to a western concert flute, it is made of white wood, and some silver decorations, the Flute also had some floral symbols near its end.    


  No one truly knows where the power of Nori de Fleurs came from, some speculate that it was the Flute itself that give him his super powers, other says that Nori had those super powers from the beginning and only used the facade of the Flute to trick his enemies, in any case, the super powers attributed to him and his flute were:   The ability to control people's actions who heard his melodies, the tone of the melody usually defined the way of the control, happy and colorful tones for dancing, rapid and raging tones for battling and soft and slow pases for sleeping.   Once a person hear his melody they could no longer gain control of their body, the people under his control were all aware all the time, the only possible way to escape from his control was by covering the ears, althou a small portion of the melody could take control of the body, so especial protection to block all sorts of external sounds was the only solution, the other solution was to be physically impossible to move the body, for instance, Nori could not make a paralyzed person to move, since their muscles were unable to.   A great power indeed but it caused a lot of tensions between Nori and his teammates, since they also suffer from Noris powers.  

Missing in Action

  Nori and His Flute were ultimately lost in a mission in the arthic circle in 1958, while making a break on one of the bases of the super human Zedtrum, the facility suffered a total collapse in the middle of the ocean causing it to fall intro the deep sea, Nori and 5 more of his teammates would go missing in action after this.

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