The Blinking Isle Organization in Niun | World Anvil
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The Blinking Isle


A commune-like island community led by the community's "Saint" who they regard as a holy person and patron.


A culture focused on communal life, mutual help, agrarian village life, fishing and art.

Public Agenda

To live in peace and kindness.


A fertile island territory


The Blinking isle was originally called the Lonely isle as it sat on the edge of the Empty Sea. It is now home to a small community of communalist spiritualists led by their patron, St. Oculus. This "Saint" is actually a beholder who set up the community as a stepping stone to world domination through its own unusual philosophical orientation. The Beholder came across an early piece of Meepoite literature during its scouring for philosophical books which it hoarded. The literature advised people to "conquer with kindness" and "kill with compassion" as was usual of the Loriax Sect of early Meepoite thought (now extinct). The Beholder thought over these words and overthought the treatise. it decided to take the literature at its word to the point of becoming a patron to refugees, castaways, orphans and others who needed a home. This led to the new island community who welcomes all and lives in relative harmony save fighting off pirate raids. A second, somewhat dull witted, young and impressionable Beholder named Blinkus arrived recently, becoming a second local Saint for it's helpfulness since it was malformed and does not have the ambition and xenophobia of its race. Oculus finds Blinkus annoying and makes it stay on the other side of the island but that is the largest extent of the islands internal politics beyond petty squabbles. Oculus has recenty negotiated a treaty with Meepopolis that binds the islands together as mutual defense and trade partners.

Demography and Population

A multiracial and multifaith community made up of orphans, former outlaws, exiles, castaways, refugees, and outcasts who were taken in by St. Oculus.


A single large island on the edge of the Empty and Bandit Sea.


A locla militia supported by the local Beholder Saints.

Technological Level

Firearms are not uncommon.


No mandated faith by the Meepoite religion is becoming dominant with a small sect who directly worship Oculus and Blinkus.

Foreign Relations

In a pact with Meepopolis and trade partner with other Bandit Sea islands.

Agriculture & Industry

Small-time farming econbomy mostly in root vegetables and fruits along with a fishing economy.

Trade & Transport

Boats are used extensively.


Oral tradition and a little book learning taught by the appointed school teacher for all who want to learn.

"Conquer with Kindness"

Founding Date
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
Taro Root
Legislative Body
The Village Church: A board of elected townsfolk who lead the village in multidenominational services and advise St. Oculus in local affairs.
Judicial Body
The Priors: A group of elders and the Saints who judge on issues of conduct and disputes if necessary. They arbitrate when it is applicable.
Executive Body
The blessed Saint: St. Oculus in its role as patron and protector of the island and its people.
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations

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