Mono City Organization in Niun | World Anvil
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Mono City


A highly hierarchical island city which is led by the scientist elite followed by the industry barons, the criminal leaders and the common folk.


A culture that values innovation, science, intelligence, entrepreneurship and the use of mechanical prosthetics. It privileges the scientific and industry elite while using the rest of the pupukatio nfor labor where they try to enter the elite classes on intelligence or cleverness. This has also led to an environment mostly permissive of the organized crime syndicates who are headquartered on the island unless they interfere with the scientific elite or try to steal technology.

Public Agenda

To innovate and produce technology beyond that of anyone else. It keeps this technology from any other group.


A massive scientific and industrial base with more advanced technology than any other nation.


Mono city was once simply an island on the very edge of the Empty sea that was inhabitated by small fishing communities until a group of Imperium Electi scientists and servitors settled on the island as refugees. They quickly built a metropolis on the island using its abundant resources and created a technological state. It is famous for its resources, technology and entertainment districts which can be visited by outsiders but no technology or plans of said tech can leave the island. Its technology is heavily based on Enfenito crystals for energy. especially the specialized prosthetics the society is famous for and that are used as a social mark of status. The current regime tolerates the organized crime that is so powerful in the city and who also operate abroad as long as they don't interfere with the elites. Xanathar and the Flock are most famously headquartered here. Currently, it is said the scientists are working with a mysterious foreign power to develop newcutting-edge technologies. Besides prosthetics, the island is unique in using trains as a form of transport.

Demography and Population

A highly diverse and non-majorityied society living a very crowded industrial city.


A set of three islands, one large, two small that form the western most island of the Western Seas and the closest island to the Continent, between the Wester Sea and the Empty sea.


A standing army of police and trained militia who are rarely needed by equipped with advanced firearms, weaponry, magic and prosthetics.

Technological Level

Technologically advanced with firearms, prosthetics, trains, metal ships, artillery and deep mining as well as experimental energy weapons and electricity.


No official state religion nor religious majority.

Foreign Relations

Is isolationist in its approach to politics and technology but allow trade of resources and visitors to the island.

Agriculture & Industry

A huge diversi0ty of resources and Industry.     
  • Mining: Iron, Gold, Silver, Enfenito, Coal, Copper
  • Forestry
  • Fishing
  • Industry: Steelmaking, Mineral Processing, Lumbermilling, Shipmaking  
  • Entertainment: Gambling, Theater, Brewing, Sex Work, Literature
  • Trades: Leatherworking, Jewelling, Weaponmaking

Trade & Transport

A extensive network of trains for passengers and goods. A trade network with most of the world using their own merchant marine.


A intensive education system for the elite that teaches magic and science. A paid academic system for all others and little schooling for the underclass.

"Innovare est Vivere"

Founding Date
Geopolitical, City-state
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Mono Slip
Major Exports
Raw materials, gunpowder, lumber
Major Imports
Rare goods, tin, alchemical supplies
Legislative Body
The Parliament of Representatives is the main legislative body which sets the policies and administrative works of the city. It is composed of representatives from the various guilds and organizations as well as the scientific establishment. Elections are held every ten years but are mostly fixed.
Judicial Body
The Panel of Reviewers act as the judicial system for all of the island that judge on conduct and operate the corrupt police forces. They are appointed by the Science Directorate.
Executive Body
The Science Directorate is the main power players of the island and is led by appointed representatives choosen for their skill, leadership and scientific know-how.
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations

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