Dakar league Organization in Nirmir | World Anvil
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Dakar league (Day-car)

The Dakar league is the new dwarvern empire that appeared after the Yakar collapse. It stood at a union between most of the dwarves around the old capital of Mul Ordal which was destroid during the dark time. They created Tinnenburg to be the new capital. It was a brotherhood shared around the eastern part of Dagrim. Today, it is trying to reunite the continet.


The empire was made in 920 YSC after Yakar collasped. They started annexing all of the states in the east in 990 YSC. During this they started making a stronger government so when the king dies they didn't collapse like Yakar did. In 1543 YSC they had to attack the land of Sunderland. This caused the dwarvern civil war or the war of the north and south. They stayed on the continent for around 90 more years before they started taking the dwarvern territories in the elven continent. They eventually disbanded in 1650 YSC because of a poor economy


Dakar disbanded because of a econimic crash. It started in 1645 YSC by a tariff on imported goods from freger. Dakar never manage to make the new tax work and they disbanded the nation peacefully.

Demography and Population

The population us divided into 3 classes. Nobles,Working, and farming. The Noble class, like always, is all of the rich people that inherited their wealth. The working class is everyone working outside the farms. The farming class is everyone who works on the farm.


They got most of their territory by annexing it.


Only the noble class had a education while the working class had to teach themself.

Land der neuen Möglichkeiten

920 YSC - 1650 YSC

Geopolitical, County / March
Alternative Names
New Dwarf Empire
Predecessor Organization
Power Structure
Major Exports
They exported a lot of stone and other ores. They also had a large coal export in the 1500s
Major Imports
The empire imported sugar from the freger continent. They also imported other valuable things that they couldn't get on Dagrim.
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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