Gjelargan Ethnicity in Nimbaar | World Anvil
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Gjelargans are mostly dwarves, and they are still adapting to the cultural shock caused by the sudden change in their government.
They are proud people, who value family ties and hard work.
They are divided in large patriarchal families called clans. When a woman gets married, she leaves her clan and joins her husband's one.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Agni, Borya, Dereya, Erigena, Jerena, Kilya, Mishkra, Nora, Sannya, Yenara

Masculine names

Adrik, Belk, Dmirik, Evgen, Fyodr, Grimur, Kosvar, Nikar, Ranmir, Tarvok

Family names

After marriage, women take the clan name of their husbands. Some examples are:
Drakonvrag, Glubokunit, Krov'Komye, Otrvadomovoy, Pravdankoval, Rubinglaz, Utyugruka, Vodoklak, Vonyamolot, Zharkuznitsa


Shared customary codes and values

Gjelargans value hard work and loyalty in every aspect of their lives.

Common Dress code

Gjelargans appreciate practical clothing and prefere to wear accessories only on their hair and beards, where they won't interfere with their work.
Homemade clothes are held in high esteem.
When the situation calls for more refined clothing, gjelargans enjoy dresses that include parts made of metal and precious stones.

Art & Architecture

Sculpture and jewelry are the main artistic endeavors for gjelargans.
Men and women alike wear jewelry daily and almost every home is decorated with bas reliefs.
Many statues built for the defunct royal family are being taken down by the bank and sold as art objects or dismantled for materials.
Gjelargan architecture is monumental and built to last, preferring squared shapes and buildings with few large rooms.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Gjelargans bury their deads in sculpted coffins built inside the clans graveyards.
The bank is trying to change this tradition, as it is considered a waste of space that cannot be afforded on a floating city.


Beauty Ideals

Large, even overweight, bodies are considered beautiful by gjelargans.
Calluses, broken nails and other signs of hard work are things to look for in a potential partner.
Gjelargans carry long hair and beards, complexly braided and adorned with jewels.

Relationship Ideals

Gjelargans look for longlasting romantic relationship, which end up in marriage and the birth of as many children as possible.
Homosexual relationships are rare and often disliked by the clans elders.
Friendship is encouraged, especially between members of the same clan. During youth, friendship occurs mostly within people of the same gender, as gjelargans are taught to look at members of the opposite sex primarily as potential partners.
After marriage, friendship between people of different genders becomes more common, because gjelargans are extremely faithful to their partners and feel very little jealousy.

Major organizations

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