Old Mother Winter Rank/Title in Ní Cúirteanna | World Anvil
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Old Mother Winter

Once upon a time...

There was an old woman who lived in the woods. She was very old and very powerful in the magics of nature.

There were many legends about her. She lived in a house of candy that danced on chicken legs. She could travel the whole world in one night. She ate children. And she kept Death like an old faithful dog.

Old Mother Winter is the eldest of the Droch Banríona, the Queens of the Unseelie Court. She goes by many names in many cultures, but her favorite persona is that of Baba Yaga.

Not much is known about the Old Mothers of Winter and Summer, but what is known strikes fear into fae hearts. Old Mother Winter may be the single most powerful Unseelie fae alive. To even meet her is to face the most primal powers of destruction. Most mortals think this means she is violent, but death and decay are slow and silent... and inevitable.


With as long-lived as fae are, the fact that Old Mother Winter is the single oldest fae in the Unseelie Court is impressive. No one remembers whether the current holder of this title is the original, or the original Queen of the Winter Court. But it doesn't much matter.

Old Mother Winter has lived in isolation in a place that is neither here (in the mortal realm) nor there (in the Fae Lands). Some say she lives with Old Mother Summer, but none who might know for sure will speak about their experience meeting the Witch.

Cultural Significance

Philosophers of fae culture believe that Old Mother Winter's primary goal is to act as a check to the rest of the Unseelie Court. However, both she and Old Mother Summer work together as a check to all fae, including, and perhaps especially, each other.

Though none of the fae have been found to actually be worshipping the Old Mothers, the reverence to the Crones is akin to the religious devotion to gods. The Old Mothers, however, have made it clear over the centuries that they do not approve of anyone worshipping them. They will tolerate devotions similar to ancestor shrines, which some argue is practically the same. They just won't make that argument to the Old Mothers.

Notable Holders

The only person to hold this rank in living or written memory is Baba Yaga.

Magical, Honorific
Form of Address
Old Mother
Alternative Naming
Baba Yaga, Death, The Crone, The Hag, The Witch
Current Holders
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Jul 22, 2023 11:40 by E. Christopher Clark

I swear I read and commented on this one before. Maybe I read it on stream? I don't know. At rate, I love this, particularly that line near the beginning about keeping Death like a faithful dog.

Now it's time for the awkward wave.
Jul 28, 2023 19:25 by Sarah Buhrman

Old Mother Winter is nearly identical to Old Mother Summer's article. That's the one with the cart pulled by horseflies. So you kinda did.   And you can share any of my public articles without asking. That's why I make them public. :)