The Crow Maiden in New Z'hrat | World Anvil
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The Crow Maiden

To New Z'hratians, corvids are simply birds, just like any other. Due to their habits of scavenging battlefields for meat and shiny trinkets, they've been culturally recognized as creatures that remember the noble fallen. Some believe that they originate from the Void between worlds, carrying souls back home in their beaks. However, this was not always the case.   Red vampires are known for their ability to shapeshift into animals, and often utilize forms from across the animal kingdom to feed on the flesh and blood of animals and mortals.   Lady Noctilla was one of Z'hrat's ancient Red vampires, created at the birth of the world, but her claim to fame is as the world's first serial killer, the Crow Maiden. She would frequently take the form of an enormous corvid and dive onto unsuspecting children and teens out after dark, carrying them off in her talons. Bone and cloth scraps from seventeen seperate victims were found in her den, but First District historians speculate that she had at least four additional victims.   After repeated warnings, she was slain in 105 by the newly-formed Occult Tactical Response Unit for refusing to comply with the Venal Regulation Act of 102. Her exploits are nowadays all but forgotten, except by modern OTRU agents, who will often learn it as a case study on dealing with Red vampires.

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