Mirror of Malice in New World | World Anvil
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Mirror of Malice

Her pain and suffering had not boundaries. She lost that what was the most precious in her life and could not bear the aftermath of such a loss. She hanged herself and cursed the world. All of that in a sight of large mirror that watched her suffering. Now the mirror watches over her and brings new offspring to her school.   The Mirror of Malice is a collection of mirrors spread all across the New World. These mirrors are believed to be portals to another dimensions, and are often connected to child disappearances. Some stories say these children are lured to the mirror by an old crone, or that the reflection of the mirror shows their deepest desires and dreams. Despite the myths, the Mirror of Malice is the name of the original mirror the woman of the story owned. It is said that one of the associates of the Tortured Siren was a teacher and an owner of orphanage. After the burning of Jaaba, the orphanage was burned as well and the teacher hanged herself in her house cursing the world and promising it will be destroyed by the hands of young, who were unfairly sentenced by the world. From that moment on, the name of the woman became Malice. And malice is the main domain of the mirror. It is believed that hearts of those who touch the mirror slowly decay, changing them into malicious people, who bring havoc to the world. Many collectors and arcanists have spent decades seeking those mirrors, yet they are indistinguishable from the normal mirror, making them hard to discover and study.
"I am your mother. Please, my children, come with me. There is so much I want to teach you."

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