Baralovian Kingdom Organization in Nazdromath | World Anvil
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Baralovian Kingdom


In order, King, King's Advisors, Lawmasters, Barons, and Counts.   The king rules over the entire kingdom, passing laws or declaring war. The king's advisors merely advise the king in any decision-making process, but the king does not have to listen to them. Barons are placed in charge of regions in the kingdom, ruling both the region and origin city. Counts are assigned by barons to smaller towns and cities within the region. Lawmasters are people who enforce the law and appear as judges in court hearings and trials. There is a lawmaster assigned to each city, and in turn, they will employ tax collectors and local guardsmen.


Gold, precious metals, and gems, military, buildings, equipment, fortifications.

Demography and Population

The Astra Kingdom is a very diverse one, in terms of all species, wealth, and education.


  • Baralovia
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Astra Kingdom

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