Umbrite Settlement in Nation of Vallerin | World Anvil
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Umbrite is the only city in Gerladnder that does not connect to the others via Thunder Rail. This works to their advantage as they are a city of scholarly pursuits. The isolation gives them a much clearer night sky, making astronomy a common study among the inhabitants.    There is an office of Instant Transmission that can teleport up to eight people to one of six locations: Beleren, Everlight, the City of Romalia, The Nexus, Atlantropa and Ali Shar. These each have corresponding offices in these cities.    Like other cities in Gerlander, they are built out of a pit mine. They are unique in that theirs is in a perfect hexagonal shape. The roads are filled with glowing arcane crystals used as light fixtures. Some buildings are built entirely out of crystal the deeper one goes. At its center, their coliseum known as The Onyx Bowl can be seen. It nearly fades into the shadows at night when no lights are active. But when they are it is like looking at a piece of the night sky that landed in the middle of the mine.    Here, adventurers will find the Umbrite Academy of Arcane Study, several public observatories and a market overflowing with magical goods and services. The city is home to some of the most wealthy in Gerlander. Magic and the pursuit of knowledge are not cheap endeavors. However they are the premier city for finding the finest gemstones and rare minerals used in magic.


Umbrite is home primarily to dwarves, gnomes and Romalian (high) Elves. As it is a city of magical study, most here are at least magic initiates.


Umbrite is ruled by noble noble houses. Many of whom work at the university.


Umbrite dose not have a standing military force. The Guard of the individual houses walk the streets and enforce the law. They are equipped with Arcane cannons and cannon lances rather than spears and crossbows.

Industry & Trade

The primary industry of Umbrite is in gold mining and ores that are important to Arcane studies. Their primary ore deposits are gold, azurite, quarts, onyx, emeralds, diamonds and Moonstone. They also experiment with a magical process of purification of Onyx, azurite and Moonstone to create different kinds of residuum.


There is much unique about Umbrite. They lack any kind of cable cars to go between sections of their city. Rather, they have made gondolas fitted with small lift crystals and pushed along by mechanisms that cast Control Winds. They function as six person ferries with docks dottet around the city. Otherwise, the city is reached by either Instant Transmission or by Road.


Umbrite is separated into eight districts.
  • Mining Area: the lowest area in Umbrite. Here is where the city's copious crystal mines are located along with the Onyx Bowl.
  • Academy Archway: the University District is the most varried but the least populated at any given time. Located on the cardinal north wall, the Academy of Arcane Study has its main building built into the rim. Further into the main building, the main entrance to the Constellation Tunnels can be found.
  • Twilight Ward: the market district, located on the north western wall. The deeper one goes into the district, the more magical wares one will find. There are no general magic item stores. Everyone has a niche and each person stays in their lane. They will compete and fude with stores of similar niches but otherwise won't go outside their comfort zone.
  • Hearthstone Ward: Located on the south western wall, it is where most if not all citizens live. All homes are built to a high standard. However the lower rings are rather rough looking.
  • Stellernaught's Nest: A Ward made to house visitors and travelers. It is here that the Office of Instant Transmission is set. This section sits on the southern wall of the city.
  • Guild District: Located on the south eastern wall. Where the noble houses refine, purify and produce all manner of stones and magically significant ores. This includes Gold, copper, azurite, Onyx, quarts of all colors, diamonds, emeralds of all variants and various other gem stones. They have many warehouses and laboratories located here.
  • Holy Sector: On the north eastern side, Umbrite has given home to many branches of faith. The primary entrance to The Constellation is here. The top is dominated by a large domed structure that doubles as both temple to the Star Wanderer and an observatory.
  • The Constellation: On the outside of the city, a ring of observatories can be found. There are six observatories on each point of the hexagonal city. Each observatory is linked with a complex of Tunnels. Inside, one will find more laboratories, storehouses, small scale mines and even green houses.


Their main asset is Arcane machinery. Here, adventurers can find any number of enchanted artifacts. Spell casters here primarily work in enchantment.

Points of interest

  • Onyx Bowl: a coliseum style arena built of bricks made from Onyx, speckled inside and out with Moonstone stars. Here not only are games played but disputes are settled.
  • Academy of Arcane Study: a massive university with hundreds of buildings. Each building and building complex is made for a particular study of an aspect of Arcane.
  • Celestian Observatory: the crown jewl of the Holy Sector. It leads to the largest observatory in the city and is also home to the seat of government. 
  • Office of Instant Transmission: A simple building at the top of the Stellernaught's Nest. It is the city's means of international travel.


The buildings in Umbrite are more plain than others in Gerlander. And that is saying something. They make excessive use of skylights on their simple geometric buildings so that everyone can enjoy the night sky. They make great use of the naturally occurring quartz crystals for use as street lights. They are only bright enough to navigate as to preserve night vision.

Natural Resources

  • Gold
  • Copper
  • Azurite
  • Emeralds of all colors
  • Quartz of all colors
  • Diamonds
  • Onyx
  • Moonstone
Alternative Name(s)
Starlight River
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
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