Ironmark Settlement in Nation of Vallerin | World Anvil
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Like the other large cities of Gerlander, Ironmark was built over nearly a thousand years of mining. The Pit mine grew large enough to house a city and so it was. The dwarves built homes, businesses and their whole lives in the Pit mine they now call Ironmark.    Founded by the family of the same name, they pulled iron ore from the land to fuel the war against the Drow. Much of that iron was used in the Allhammer Forge in the Beldan Mountain range. Now the city pulls ores and crystals at a much slower rate. The current leading family of Ironwell is the Ironthorn family. Their patriarch being Albert IX.   The city has many sections, all serving different purposes. There is a merchant quarter to the north, residential to the south, the import or "tourist" district to the west and the industrial section to the east. At the center are the various mines and the Emerald Bowl, an oxidized copper clad stadium.


Primarily Dwarven. Followed by Gnomes and Kobolds


The city is ruled by the Ironthorn family and has been for the last 300 years. Bellow them are the other families who advise in the absence of the Ironmarks when it is their turn to take the seat of Jarl of the nation.


The security is handled by the personal retainers of the noble houses. Overall, Ironthorn's Steel Thissle guards are the ones who focus on keeping the peace in town and are the first line of defense against any outside threats.

Industry & Trade

The Ironmark Forges are known across the continent for their quality and quantity of ores and metalworks.


The roads are mostly heavily packed dirt. Across the bowl there are several gondola landings across the city.


  • The Waxing Cresent is the section of the city where the upper crust of Ironmark society lives. Here is where the manors of the noble houses were built and remain standing centuries later.
  • The Gilded/Marketing Crecent is the market district of the city. Here, dozens upon dozens of businesses ply their trade to citizens and travelers alike. The higher up in the rings, the more expensive the goods being traded.
  • The Waning Crecent is where most of the population lived. The lower into the city, the poorer the housing becomes.
  • The Transport District is where the most cable car stations and the lightning rail depot. There are plenty of restaurants and General stores in this area but pale in comparison to the Gilded Crecent.
  • The Iron Crecent is where all the city's foundries and processing warehouses are located. Here, ores are refined, Forged and worked into the goods Gerlander is known for! Ironmark is the Iron heart of the nation.
  • The Mining Pits Sit at the lowest level of the city and are where the most work gets done.


Ironmark was founded by Lord Ironthron. His family were the ones who settled the area and named the mine as well as their family after the abundant Iron ore deposits.    As they reached deeper they became subject to incursions by the drow. They were the front line in the Generation of Blood and Iron. It left such an impact that King Gerlander's daughter married into the Ironthorn family and built the mine into a city. They needed the Iron to wage war and building a city in the dry areas of the mines ment there was little chance of their enemies taking the supply easily.    Now hundreds of years and a couple generations later, Ironmark is one of the most prosperous cities in the nation.

Points of interest

Emerald Bowl, Gilded Crecent, Mining Pits


Emerald Bowl, Gilded Crecent,


The Emerald Bowl is the most recognizable feature of Ironmark. The copper clad coliseum has oxidized and is a brilliant green color. It sits as an Emerald Gem in the center of the lowest point in the Mineing Pits.   Otherwise their architecture is simple with artdeco accents. Most buildings are built into the walls of the mine or carved from the surrounding stone.


A converted pit mine reaching 1210 Meters (or around ¾ of a mile) deep, 4 km (or around 3 miles) wide at a total of 1900 arces in size.


Temperate. Colder the further down you go.

Natural Resources

Many kinds of ores and crystals mined from the upper section of the Underdark and deep beneath the city.
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