Orym Dathyra Character in Namira | World Anvil
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Orym Dathyra

Siblings, raised as twins, Orym and Enna Dathyra grew up in small town west of the The Scarlet Reach. Orym Dathyra had a mostly easy childhood. His blue skin, his green-tinted hair, made him popular in his small town. He had no desire for the popularity that came with it, had no real desire for the attention that was thrust upon him. Growing up, he hated his blue skin, could not understand why he was different. At night he would ask his parents why he couldn’t be like the others. At this his mother Lia would get cold, silent, and leave him. One night his father sat him down and told him the truth – long ago his father,Erdan, went to Nylnsari to do some trading. One night in the tavern where he had gotten a room he met a sea-elf woman. The two hit it off, made sure to intentionally see each other at the end of every evening. On the last night of his stay in the city Erdan confessed his feelings for her and one thing led to another. It was the biggest regret of Erdan’s life. While traveling home it was all Erdan could do to think of the proper way to come clean to Lia and apologize. Eventually, Lia found it in her to forgive Erdan, until at least, one day Orym was brought to Erdan. A note from Orym’s mother let Erdan know who she really was, an heiress to a shipping fortune, who had run from her father during their time together. Her father would not accept Orym as part of the family, with him being a bastard and wanted him killed. In an effort to save his life she sent him to Erdan to be raised far from where her father would have a care for him. This news crushed Orym. He had a new focus in life – to find his mother. He knew in order to do this he knew that he would need to excel in school that he may be able to move to the city. As part of his schooling Orym was trained in the art of the ranger. Orym excelled at everything that was thrown at him. He earned top marks in combat, the bow, tracking, and stealth. Enna was always a quiet child, a timid girl, and the exact opposite of her brother. She avoided contact with the other children her age at every opportunity, preferring to spend time in the woods. Her affinity for nature led her to develop a deep affinity for Melora, the goddess of nature. It was this affinity that got her recognized by the druid of the woods. Every several hundred years the druid of the land would select his of her successor. Enna took to the task quickly. Her mentor, an aged elf woman named Theirastra Galanodel, began teaching her the basics of what she was ready to learn. These secrets were closely guarded. Enna was forbidden to tell anyone what she was learning. As she grew in strength, so did her connection with Melora. Theirastra brought one other thing into Enna’s life – books. Theirastra brought only a few books out of her collection, but Enna absorbed them. They described far off locations, crashing oceans, frozen landscapes, soaring mountains, all the places that   Enna would never see, for as soon as her training was finished it would be her responsibility to protect the forest, and all its denizens. One day while Enna was in the woods training Theirastra, Orym, tired of not knowing what was happening, used the training that he had received to follow them into the woods. There, Orym witnessed Enna’s training. He was enthralled, watching the mousy sister he had grown up with performing magic in front of his very eyes. He sat watching for what must have been hours before, without any notice, Theirastra stopped Enna. Theirastra grabbed Orym out of the woods where he believed himself to be hidden and forced the siblings to sit together in the clearing while Theirastra left them. Hours passed, night began to fall, and being impatient Orym got up to go home, convincing his sister that Theirastra would understand. Upon returning home, they discovered the entire town had been massacred. Death was everywhere they looked and they bolted for home. Theirastra laying dead outside their home, the corpses of several sword-bearing foes burnt to a crisp around her. Orym crashed through the door finding the corpse of his adoptive mother, and their father lying next to her barely alive. Erdan explained to the siblings that they had come for Orym – his birth mother had gone missing and that made him heir to trading fortune that had been built. There were those that wouldn’t stand for this and had decided to kill him instead. Erdan pleaded with Orym to flea, to run as far and fast as he can – and to take his sister with him.
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