Namida of the desert Main and global history of Namida. Timeline
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Main and global history of Namida.

All major events and dates that affected the evolution of Namida.

The First Ascension

... 4200 AT

The legend says that in this era, the Ascended were but adventurers, lost in the Desert for no particular reason but extra dimensional mishaps. They were wandering around and surviving, looking for a cause.

  • -4326 1srt ASC

    The Arrival

    A group of people appear in the Desert. They are capable: mighty adventurers, experienced scholars and more... But they do not know where they are. They start exploring. Aiming to survive and understand what happened to them.

  • -4200 1srt ASC

    A Tear in the Desert

    After more than a hundred years, most of those who arrived to the Desert have died or succombed to the Desert itself. Only 11 remain.

The Times before Life

4199 AT 3000 AT

A time where only divinities exist in Namida. A time of pure creation and expansion of Namida.

  • -4000 TbT

    The First God Appears

    Milos Sontrian, the oldest God, appears in Namida.

  • -3830 TbT

    -3510 TbT

    Birth of Gods
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    During this period, the main Gods will be born or created (or will simply appear). Also are created the first true mortals.

  • -3430 TbT

    -3150 TbT

    The Divine War
    Military: War

    Following the birth of Gods, some Ascended grow weary and a war starts between Alku and Päa.

  • -3150 TbT

    -3007 TbT

    The First Invasion
    Plague / Epidemic

    Irreals, inhabitants of the Desert, invade Namida in its weakened stated following the divine wars.

  • -3000 TbT

    The Birth of Namida: Creation of Mortals
    Era beginning/end

    To celebrate a victory and try to avoid losing all their work for nothing, the Ascended decide to create the humanoids, the first official mortals.

The Age of Tranquility

2999 AT 663 AT

Considered now as the most perfect of times. Where Ascended and mortals lived together. Where conflict involved the creators of the world directly. It is also the time where new Ascended came to be. For most of this time, mortal society and technology does not advance. It simply exists in a stasis, in a "bronze age" kind of state.

  • -2480 AT

    Genesis of Sin
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    After centuries of calm and bliss, a humanoid mortal kills a monster. Bolezn, the first sinner, ascends. The Cruel war starts.

  • -2479 AT

    -1160 AT

    The Cruel War
    Military: War

    Started with the murder of a monster by a humanoid, finished to stop the Desert, the Cruel War faces the Gods and monsters against the Ascended and Humanoid.

  • -2235 AT

    Of Love and Void
    Life, Birth

    Mortals during the Cruel War know a suffering greater than any, and they feel the need for divine connection that not really exists in certain domains. Anthea and Hu Khong Ascend, champions of love and depression.

  • -1204 AT

    -663 AT

    The Infection
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Infection is the worse attack from the Desert to ever happen on Namida. Far worse than the first invasion. It will centuries of painful destruction and growth, until is finally stopped in -663 in the now called Titan's passing.

  • -1158 AT

    Night Bastion

    When the Cruel War ends, the angels that fought against the Ascended decide they do not belong anywhere already existing. Night Bastion is created to house these beings.

  • -1050 AT

    Betrayal of the Jaws
    Disaster / Destruction

    Villielaimet, Ascended of all beasts, one of the original 11, goes mad for an unexplicaple reason. He greatly wounds one of his own. He and his people, the Savage, are greatly punished for these acts.

  • -986 AT

    A Matriarch protects her own
    Gathering / Conference

    Gah Nala, a powerful witch in the eternal woods, fears for the fate of her daughters and unites the covens in the Eternal Woods to create Morgrova.

  • -853 AT

    Twin Exodus and the Archipelago to Nowhere
    Life, Birth

    In a time were travel grows greatly, a brother and a sister explore the Desert and expand Namida in a way that was suspected to be impossible. Liliana and Lurai are chosen as Ascended as a reward.

  • -663 AT

    Hollow Armistice
    Diplomatic action

    The Infection finally stopped, and no one really wants to keep fighting, but humanoids have lost some faith in their patrons. A great celebration takes place to commemorate this moment, but some don't feel the bliss they could.

The Age of First Steps

662 AT 0 AT

After the injustice of the Cruel War, the crisis of the Infection and Villiellaimet's great betrayal, the humanoids discover that the Ascended are not omnipotent, and that they must grow on their own. This is an age of great advancement for humanity, and of big decline for theology.

  • -660 AFS

    Doors to the end
    Life, Death

    The dead from the Cruel War and the infection were too much for Päa and her angels. She "creates" the door system and the doorkeeper.

  • -606 AFS

    Alignment of the Three Moons
    Financial Event

    Three Moons , the first great humanoid alliance, is created to hold strong now that they are separated from the rest of Namida.

  • -551 AFS

    Hearth, Forge and Tillage
    Geological / environmental event

    Humanoids are starting to become autonomous but independence from the Ascended is not easy. Used to pray for everything, they finally find help in a new Ascended that will teach them how to work instead of give them everything: Rem'nes.

  • -551 AFS

    Feather and Pint
    Artistic creation

    In a world full of work and uncertainty, some need to work, others to let themselves go to other purposes. Jan, Ascended of Art and Excess, ascends after creating a great (possibly) artistic piece.

  • -460 AFS

    The Mountains are very angry
    Life, Relationship change

    The extreme explotation of the minerals of the earth, specially in the south isles, anger those who inhabit these areas: the giants. A new localized war starts and a new God appears: Mahat the Very Big.

  • -360 AFS

    U.M.I. is created

    After 100 years of law making and bickering and problems, the U.M.I. is formed in the south isles, an economical and artisanal alliance over resources.

  • 0 AFS

    The Throne/ Meh's Second Ascension

    Without true warning or a satisfying reason, the Ascended are brutally severed from Namida. Floating thrones are created in the skies, and the Ascended are no longer in direct contact with the humanoids.

The Age of Words

1 AWE and beyond

This age marks year 0 as it separates two very different times: one, before, where Ascended roamed near humanoids, where technology did not advance as much, one of divinity. The other, after, where the Ascended are more guides than really present beings. It is the age of humanity, marked by the rules and words Meh utters before sitting on his throne. It is an ominous age, where Words dictate the fate of all.

  • 23 AWE

    Visra Ko Anta joins Three Moons
    Religious event

    Although Visra Ko Anta never wanted to join Three Moons for more than 500 years, the second ascension makes everyone feel alone, and in need for alliances.

  • 53 AWE

    High Shield is founded
    Diplomatic action

    Myriad, Senega and Rönderstross ally themselves to create High Shield, a new empire made, officially, as a shield to protect against the Desert Influence.

  • 60 AWE

    Khasib joins Three Moons
    Diplomatic action

    Reacting to the creation of High Shield and the speed at which realms are joining, Three Moons invites Khasib to their alliance after centuries of this country insisting on joining them. The action is purely political to battle the monopoly of Namida's territory beyond the Infection.

  • 120 AWE

    532 AWE

    High Shield Reinforcement
    Political event

    For a long period, realms join the High Shield, little by little. But 532 is the greatest year for this organization. It is when Canaan finally accepts to join High Shield, after centuries of resisting to the pressure, that High Shield truly becomes the most powerful organization as they gain control over the inner sea: the Tear.

  • 217 AWE

    Disaster / Destruction

    The fey grow bored with the peace they're supposed to hold and decide to claim a section of Namida, known today as Oblivion. An archfey known as Queen Tiliath, rises to lead them.

  • 326 AWE

    War's Execution, and the Red Arbiter

    Rasputine, god of war, one of the original 11, is the only one who truly disobeyed Meh and decided to stay on Namida. After decades of insubordinance, Meh grows tired and punishes him: killing him.

  • 333 AWE

    They attack
    Life, Supernatural

    Those only known as "Them" attack Ancha Hatun. They take a part of this far reaching realm. Nobody knows who they are or what they want. But don't seem to be a direct threat to Namida. For now.

  • 456 AWE

    Ascension of the Copper Council
    Technological achievement

    In an era more free of Ascended than ever, science and technology becomes key. The Council of Copper, a collection of wise individuals, merge into one and become an Ascended.

  • 665 AWE

    Lyrah is created
    Population Migration / Travel

    Xander First, a legendary adventurer, loses his wife to tragedy, travels south and claims a piece of land no one wanted. He creates a new Realm he calles Lyrah, which soon becomes the ideal of adventurers.

  • 682 AWE

    Soul of Metal
    Discovery, Scientific

    A new God , the latest one, is created in hidden laboratories somewhere in Namida. Its name: Osiris. Its purpose and nature: too dangerous to explain.

  • 694 AWE

    The Disappearance of Liliana

    Liliana disappears misteriously. Although her death is not as obvious as Rasputin's, it is clear in any case: the faithful don't feel the connection, her angels fall to the ground and go mad.

  • 705 AWE

    Current Day
    Era beginning/end

    We are at the end of year 705 after the Throne.

    Additional timelines
  • 705 AWE

    Current Day
    Era beginning/end

    Now, Namida is broken and full of life, filled with chaos and order. Nuance, in its most beautiful form.