Jhutovo Language in Nahele | World Anvil
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Jhutovo is now a dead language.
It was the first language spoken by the Jhutovo during the age of gods. When they were wiped out, their language went with them. Humans took it as a basis for the languages to follow. The other races had already developed their own with the help of the gods. It may still be possible to find Jhutovo carvings on the most ancient of ruins, in the far southern lands.
Due to the sudden, complete, and violent end to the Jhutovan people, there is little for present-day scholars to work with. Despite this limitation, they have managed to translate the language, whenever any script is found, rare as that is.   So far only phonology and graphemes have been described. Working on the morphology, grammar and lexicon now.


To see the phonemes, see the following chart, and the notes below it.
  Jhutovo is somewhat odd in that it changes depending on the complex relational structure of Jhutovan society.   Dominants use the green phonemes exclusively. the phoneme at 2d is the default vowel.
Submissives use the green phonemes with the following exceptions.
  • 1d replaces 2d and becomes the default vowel.
  • 3d replaces 4e
  • 5c replaces 6c
  • 7b replaces 8b
Phonemes with a plain grey background, are not available in the language.

Mysterious Origin

When the Jhutovans were first discovered by Yonn, they already had a language. It had no written form at that time, but just the fact that they could communicate at all was shocking to the gods. It obviously set the Jhutovans apart from other animals.  


The word Jhutovo is not a word that can be said in Jhutovo itself as the language has no 'v' sound. This is because it is a later 'humanized' version of the original which is more like 'Jhutobo'.
Common Phrases
I see you - ZhorBuTorGoNau Bar
Greeting to a stranger, one you wish to project dominance over.
I know you - ZhoBuTuNgóóNau Bor
Greeting to a friend who you treat as an equal or superior.
I will look for you - ZhoDoTorGoMoh Bor
Valediction to a friend of equal standing.

A Society of Dominance

Jhutovo society is built on power and dominance. Every member of the culture knows exactly where they lie within the layered structure, from the emperor himself, all the way down to the lowest of slaves. The language reflects this, with the concepts of dominant and submissive forms. In this case, it depends on the status of the speaker, or writer, of the words as to what letters are used.
  For example, males are always considered dominant and use the default forms, whereas females and slaves are always considered submissive and use the submissive form of the letters. A female may use the dominant form to a slave or even another female, but only if she wanted to emphasize her position over them.
  Males would only use the submissive form to another male who is several stations above them. A commoner to a lord for example. This is a sign of great respect and submissiveness.
  The exception to the rule is the emperor himself. He only ever uses that dominant form, and all in his presence must use the submissive.

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