Skorgaard Organization in MyWorld | World Anvil
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This northern kingdom is home to a hardy folk. They relish the chance to prove their strength through combat. Any annual festivities in their culture are almost guaranteed to have a melee.   Their territory spans almost a third of the northern coastline, and covers almost three quarters of the Backbone Mountains. This hold has been highly profitable for them, as well as dangerous. Many times they've been caught in the middle of a conflict, and have been forced into picking a side. This usually bodes ill for the side with the lesser offer.   Due to its location, it is the hub for trade from all over the continent. This has made the Skordians a wealthy people.



Public Agenda

They do anything to keep their hold over the safe passes through the mountains as it's one of their main sources of income. Many times foreign armies have tried to take their mountain castles. These attacks are always met with harsh retribution.   In peace time, Skjordians allow travel through the passes, so long as they pay a toll. Any attempts to skirt these toll collectors are dealt with severely, as they believe in order and justice.


Lots of iron, traded from the dwarves of the mountains Mountain castles protecting the passes A small fleet of strong warships A wealthy country


Skorgaard's history is soaked in both blood and gold. Due to its location, it has always been a hub for trade across the continent, allowing the kings to forge strong alliances with many other kingdoms.   Many wars have been fought on their lands, and the lands around them. Skjorgaard was once a small kingdom with a strong but small army. They carved out a large kingdom for themselves two hundred years ago, and have gained more territory since.

War makes us strong, peace makes us friends

Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Market economy
Neighboring Nations

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