Riding Dog Species in Mythria | World Anvil
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Riding Dog

When talking of riding animals most will think of horses, though there are some races in the world too small to ride even a pony without assistance. Two of these races, have decided for one reason or another to use dogs as their mount of choice.   Aside from the uncommon wanderer halflings, most halflings have little need for riding animals with the endurance needed for long journeys so riding dogs suit them just fine, though not just any dog can be a riding dog, only the largest breeds are big enough to support a halfling on their back and as many halflings who have been ridden off the road due to their riding dog becoming distracted can attest to, calm breeds are preferred making mastiffs one of the most popular types of riding dog but all kinds of sheepdogs are used as riding dogs by shepherds and to a lesser extent other farming type halflings. Riding dogs are usually kept as any other dog would be by halflings although they can be quite a handful, seeing as they can be tall enough to eat right off their halfling's tables and counters and the halfling might not have the strength to hold them back but the halflings always forgive them in the end because if there's anything bigger than a halfling's appetite, it's their heart.   Fairies have been said to be sighted occasionally riding on dogs, corgis specifically, as they have no need for the large dogs halfling ride and even the corgis can be a little to big for some of the smallest verities of fairies, although information on fairies is very limited due to their secluded nature it seems a though any fairy villages with corgis only contain one or a couple as it takes a lot of work to take care of something over twice the size of you it speculated the whole village pitches in to help take care their canine companions and due to their limited number whole families of fairies can be seen riding corgis at once. Corgis association with fairies has lead some to believe the corgis aren't actually from Mythria but in fact originate from the realm of Fae just like their fairy friends.
Credit goes to Alvan Nee for the cover image. https://unsplash.com/photos/1VgfQdCuX-4


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