The Vigil Tradition / Ritual in Myrth | World Anvil
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The Vigil


This age old tradition began when the first god, Otyx, was turned to stone. It carried on every year after that until every god had been turned, their followers left, lost, blind, and grieving, in their wake. For close to two centuries the Vigil was held on the day and year a particular god was turned, spanning eight years before beginning with Ataar again. As time blurred history and the exact days were lost the Vigil was held at the end of each year and people devoted their prayers to their personal deity.


Priests and Paladin's spend the whole day cleansing themselves, physically, spiritually, mentally, in preparation. They begin with a fast that lasts a full 24 hours from the moment they awaken. The other cleansing rituals differ from religion to religion. The Vigil begins when the sun begins to sink below the horizon bathing the world in darkness. The High Priest will take 7 paladins into the Crystal Chambers where the God died. The High Priest represents their God, and the 7 paladins represent the other deities. They will spend all night conducting secret rituals. The remaining Priests will light the temple with candles, each deity represented by a different color, and they will spend the night praying, clutching their holy symbols to their chests. Citizens not part of the clergy will often light their own candle, and many will attempt to stay awake the full night.

Components and tools

The single most important items used during the Vigil are the candles. They are not ordinary candles, but dyed and blessed specifically for this purpose. They are sold literally everywhere in the week leading up to the Vigil. It is not uncommon for priests and paladins to light incense as well as the candles to help purify the world for the coming year. After the cleansing rituals, many priests will spend the rest of the day preaching to the masses or studying the prayer books. Some begin a more personal vigil in preparation.


The High Priest and 7 grand paladins will convine in the Crystal Chambers of the Gods where they will conduct rituals and prayers not known to the lesser folk. Everyone is welcome to join in the Vigil, but all people with a sacred connection to the Gods are required to see the Vigil to the end.


On the 20th day of the Eighth month, Ataar-Otyx. The Cleansing begins the moment a clergy member wakes. The Vigil begins when the Sun touches the Horizon and lasts until the Sun rises above Myrth's crust the next morning.

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