The Devil's Wings Myth in Myrth | World Anvil
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The Devil's Wings


The creation of the lava pools located in the city of Deepforge. When the Gods were betrayed by the traitorous daelords Eana attempted to fight back. She took on the form of a large draconic like creature but was no match for the poisonous deeds of the wicked. When she was overcome and crumpled to the ground her wings burned into the stone leaving the lava pools behind. Her form shrank returning to the beautiful goddess the dwarves knew. Daelord Nycotz took her back to her temple where she turned to stone.

Historical Basis

Although the pools had been there long before the Fall the dwarves were quick to link the two together.


This is a solely dwarven myth.

Cultural Reception

This myth has managed to make it's way into dwarven religion and has become a large part of their faith.
Date of Setting
Related Species
Related Locations

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