Linthril Character in Myrth | World Anvil
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Countless (formerly Duchess) Linthrill Bauchaz (a.k.a. Thrill)

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Missing pinky on her mangled right hand after it was eaten by a shark.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born a Duchess, Linthrill Bauchaz is the daughter of Duke Altus Bauchaz and Duchess Shalavati Mahashwaren-Bauchaz, and was heiress to the territory of [tba], east of the city of Akozar. She was the eldest of 4 children.

Gender Identity





A Noble Education

  Both of her parents believed their children should be extensively educated and given a wide knowledge of the world. Thusly, they were given a very expensive education by numerous, diverse tutors, rich in languages and the arts, as well as diplomacy. Linthrill was taught in common, elvice, and celestial, making her trilingual. She excelled particularly in music classes, always eager to fiddle with instruments and tune her own little songs. She loved classic bardic tales and ballads. She loved stories and music, and was blessed with a beautiful singing voice. While she was taught on a variety of different instruments, she excelled with the string instruments, like the lute, guitar, and violin. Oddly enough, she excelled as well with the bagpipes.  

The Streets: A Secondary School

Accomplishments & Achievements

Hero of Akozar

  With the help of her party members, they convinced the dragon to ... something. They saved Akozar (tbc)

Mental Trauma

Her Family Murdered

  As a result of her father, Duke Altus's, rowdy gambling and powerful trading practices, Linthrill's family garnered a great many enemies. This resulted in a conspiracy to murder the family and take over their trade routes and businesses.   The nefarious plot was carried out when Linthrill was 17 years of age. She and her three younger siblings were playing together in the bathhouses on her parents estate, when they saw smoke rising from the main house, and heard the sound of battle. Linthrill took her siblings and hid in a closet, grabbing only a decorative sword for protection against the invaders.   They were found in their hiding spot by a neighboring Count, a ruthless and jealous man, who had coveted her father's position and power for decades. Even now, years later, Linthrill sees his disgusting, smug grin and hears his high keel of triumphant laughter as he knocked the decorative sword from her hands and stabbed her through the gut. What's infinitely worse is that her nightmares are forever haunted by her siblings screams of terror, and cries of pain as the man slaughtered them in front of her while she lay there powerless and dying.   Indeed, Linthrill would have gladly accepted death, had the Count not set the bathhouse on fire as he left. The intense heat motivated Linthrill to crawl out of the closet and fall into the pool to find relief. What saved her life was the small bottle of health potion her mother always insisted she carry, "In case of assassination attempts", the woman had always said with a sly wink.   As she lay floating in the water, watching the bathhouse collapse, she heard one last familiar shriek of her baby brother, whom she had thought dead. This last scream tore through her chest, as she realized she could have saved him too, and hadn't.  

Fear of Sharks

  One particularly harrowing adventure was that involving a demigod requiring the group to travel to the bottom of the ocean to recover a special item for her. During this ordeal, Linthrill was nearly killed by sharks, her right hand becoming mangled and losing her right finger. Their orc companion, Nortull, was then gruesomely ripped in half by the same sharks. This trauma has caused her to always wear a glove on her right hand to cover the scars, and to fear sharks.


Contacts & Relations

Malcer Astario, King of Akozar

Family Ties

Father, Altus Bauchaz

(deceased)   A very savvy business man, he also was plagued by a gambling addiction, which often lost him great chunks of his fortune at a time. While gambling, he often became drunk and rowdy, insulting many of his friends and associates.   Altus was a very stereotypical spoiled nobleman. Carefree and informal, he grew up heir to not only land and a title, he was heir to a grand mercantile, specializing in the manufacturing of textiles and fine cloth. The bauchaz trading company for over a century had ties in the furthest reaches of the realm and brought in revenue and wealth that almost rivaled royalty. Thus, growing up withs o much wealth, Altus became very flippant with his assets, and had very loose pockets. This mixed with his desire for entertainment, and with his competitive nature, caused him to become a heavy gambler. He could lose entire fortuned in a single evening, and not be hurting for gold the day following.   While heoften had a very flippant attitude towards life, he was a shrewd businessman, and could drive good deals. He was rather skilled at diplomacy, and could talk his way out of any situation. While Shalavati was a more private person, Altus was fast to invite in everyone. He often threw lavish balls and fancy dinners, becoming close with the nobles of neighboring territories, and even thhe Royal Family more than once. Amiable as always, he had friends in high places. but with his gabling addiction, he also had enemies in every corner. On nights with too much wine and too much game, he would often take jokes too far. He would forget debts he owed and would deny them when he sobered up. When he could not talk his way out of a bad situation with debtors, he often would try to bully his way out with his hguards and servicemen. After the fact, he and his wife would smooth things over and make everyone happy again.    

Mother, Shalavati Maheshwaren-Bauchaz

(deceased)   Opposites often do attract, and make a good balance, and thus was Altus and Shalavati's relationship. A calm and collected woman, both regal and imposing. She was never cruel, but she only ever showed her kind face to her family. This imperious woman inherited her own territory of [tba] when she was just a young woman of 22 years, after a plague took her mother. Shalavati had been a scholar and socialite in Akozar, and was called back to command her own estate and oversee their trading routes. The Maheshwaran's territory had bordered the Bauchaz's for nearly a century, but had never been united. Her courtship with Altus began for diplomatic purposes, but soon turned to true love, and upon Shalavati's 27th birthday, were married.   Far from the assumedly spoiled, delicate noblewoman, Shalavati was a strategetic and cunning ruler. Through diplomacy, she had avoided many skirmishes with rival territories, though also kept a well-armed, well-trained battalion at the ready at all times. She was never blood-thirsty in the slightest. She believed every life taken was a loss to the world; however if it was unavoidable and to benefit the whole of oher dukedom, then she would not hesitate to shed the blood.   While she was never one to smile in public, Shalavati was a very kind and caring mother. She doted on her children, and always wanted them to thrive. She worked to give them every advantage she could, and keep them innocent and carefree as long as they could. While she had many servants help in their upbringing, she was instrument in their raising, being sure to always be there for the important moments in their lives.  




(deceased, age 10) male, twin of Tinashe   Tetrasyn was a very smart boy, reveling in mathematics and numbers. He inherited his mothers diplomacy, and his fathers inclination to tricks and fun.  


(deceased, age 10) female, twin of Tetrasyn   Tinashe was quite likely smarter than everyone around her, and made sure everyone knew. She inherited more of her father's personality, and her mother's sharp tongue.  


(deceased, age 5) male   Pallav was the heart and soul of the household, as sweet as he was selfless, and full of wonder.

Religious Views

The Bauchaz clan worships the God, Tetrasil. Linthrill is not extremely close to her god, but often makes the symbol of Tetrasil on her forehead: all fingers touching the thumb held before the forehead makes a small circle representing an eye, before opening the hand and drawing it downwards in front of the face. This represents the god's ability to see all.  

Rights of the Dead

  When a person passes from this world, they are borne off by a day of colors. Their body is dressed in their most colorful, best, or favorite clothing, and wrapped in bright colored burial cloths. They are adorned with flowers and fragrant plants, and ribbons. It's often custom to tie flowers over their eyes, to their wrists, and around their ankles with the ribbons, and fill their mouths with blooms.   Then for a full 24 hours before their funeral, their lives are told by those who knew them and who loved them. Families with more money often commission bards to come and listen, and write songs or poems about them, and hire scribes to write down the history of the people. At the end of each story or tale, everyone throws a handful of colorful chalk into the air, or at one another. This, to represent their colorful past. Their earthly possessions are distributed among those who are closest to them.   When the 24 hours are over, their body is laid upon a pyre of wood and dried grasses. Their personal possessions, such as jewelry, is respectfully removed, and the blooms from their mouths removed and scattered at the feet of the onlookers, as a reminder to them to remember the deceased's words. Wood is stacked on top of the body, and then the pyre is lit. The smoke raising to the sky represents their soul returning to the realm of gods.   People who die in disgrace—murderers, rapists, tyrants—are not afforded these same rights. If their family still wishes to gather and tell stories, they are permitted to do so, but they must all wear black. The body is wrapped completely in black, and then buried, so their souls have to dig themselves out of the earth, as punishment for their transgressions in life.

Hobbies & Pets

Pets & Animals

  • Mr Horsel (deceased) - Clydesdale horse, for pulling the wagons. Killed tragically in a dragon incident
  • Oberon - War Horse
  • Rurik - a flying, fox-like creature
  • Shalavati - Gryffon named for Linthrill's late mother
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Duchess of [tba], Hero of Akozar, Countess of Bauchaz
Year of Birth
8988 SD 19 Years old
Date: Otyx-Ova, 3rd day
Current Residence
Bauchaz Keep
Grey, upturned eyes
Long and and black, braided into elegant rope twists

Completed Songs

Lila's Little Locket
Prose | Oct 29, 2018

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Cover image: Forest Concept 2 by alrynnas


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