Viktor Turvill Character in Myrfal | World Anvil
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Viktor Turvill

Viktor is a bounty hunter, mercenary and leader of the Grey Hearts.


His life began in a unique way, as he was a product of the prolific prostitution in Birdsfell. Abandoned in a basket while still a baby, Viktor was found by Rhorke Turvill and Anna Turvill, a generous-hearted couple who dedicated their lives to helping the less privileged in the city center.   While Rhorke taught Viktor to be a skilled hunter and tracker, spending much of his childhood at sea, it was his adoptive mother, Anna, and maternal grandmother, Mara, who shaped his worldview. Mara was deeply religious, and her stories about gods and destinies profoundly influenced Viktor's perspective on life.   Tragedy struck Viktor's life when Rhorke was brutally killed during an ambush by thieves near Skjegg while transporting fish. The reasons behind this cruel act remained unknown for a long time, but Viktor never gave up seeking answers about his father's death.


"Where wolfs ears are, wolfs teeth are near."
Viktor Turvill.
Viktor is deeply concerned about the integrity of all members of his crew, treating them with respect and equality. When placed in stressful situations, he becomes harsh and cold. His desire to protect others ends up being excessive, and his command policy is rigid and harsh, following rules to the letter. His temper, although he tries to control it, can easily be read by others around him.   He never looks away or hides from his actions and their consequences, which has earned him a notoriety among his companions and the people he lives with. When he is unhappy, he speaks out, and refuses to get involved in any situation with which he does not align himself.


Viktor Turvill

father (Vital)

Towards Liara Turvill



Liara Turvill

daughter (Vital)

Towards Viktor Turvill




Things don't always turn out as we plan. If they do, be suspicious. In your heart, you need to be brave, strong. You need to keep your head straight when people need you most.
  The relationship between Liara and her father, Viktor Turvill, is profoundly affectionate and complex, marked by a mix of admiration, warmth, and mutual learning.   When she was still very young, Viktor helped her learn how to handle a sword, despite Liv always preferring one-handed weapons. This brought them closer together. Initially, Viktor was against this closeness, but he realized that, even though Liv was not his biological daughter, he had the obligation to take care of her, and a strong bond between the two eventually formed.   Liara holds a deep affection for Viktor, seeing him as a hero in her life. She admires not only his skills as a commander but also his resilience, work ethic, and courage in the face of adversity. Viktor, in turn, recognizes Liara's potential and firmly believes in her talent as a warrior, despite her often impulsive and explosive temperament.   While Viktor may seem stern and distant at times, he is, in fact, deeply caring and concerned about Liara's well-being. He understands the challenges and dangers of the world they live in, and his tougher stance often stems from a desire to protect his daughter and teach her to be strong and independent. Viktor sees Liara as an extension of himself, an heir to his legacy, and a warrior capable of overcoming any obstacle.   A fundamental aspect of the father-daughter relationship is the constant mutual learning. Viktor is always teaching Liara to think critically, make strategic decisions, and control her violent temper. He values discipline and the ability to think logically, and these lessons have been crucial in helping Liara mature as both a warrior and a person.

Viktor Turvill

partner (Vital)

Towards Willow Galanthus



Willow Galanthus

partner (Vital)

Towards Viktor Turvill



Viktor Turvill

father (Vital)

Towards Luna Turvill



Luna Turvill

daughter (Vital)

Towards Viktor Turvill




Luna is Viktor's apple of the eye. Undoubtedly, she is Viktor's favorite daughter. Perhaps being the youngest of the three sisters, she is the one who needs the most attention. The relationship between them reflects a special bond where paternal favoritism intertwines with filial dedication, creating a unique dynamic in the family.

Liv Turvill

daughter (Vital)

Towards Viktor Turvill



Viktor Turvill

father (Vital)

Towards Liv Turvill




The affection they both have for each other is something out of the ordinary, even for a father and daughter; it's beautiful to see. Willow often says that the two feel each other's emotions. Liv, in turn, learned to be independent and fearless from her father at a very young age.   Despite always showing strength, near her father, she can't hide the girl she is—sensitive and in need of a hand to gently run through her white hair when she needs it the most.   Despite the difficulties and her strong personality, Liara always runs to Viktor's arms to cry and show vulnerability. It is common to see the girl hugging him and asking about life, such as how she will achieve her accomplishments and become someone renowned.

Nyko Kuryshenko

friend (Important)

Towards Viktor Turvill



Viktor Turvill

friend (Important)

Towards Nyko Kuryshenko




Nyko is inherently friendly and, therefore, gets along well with Viktor. She respects him as a leader, always seeking guidance when needed and honoring his decisions. Both treat each other as teammates and watch out for one another. Viktor provides emotional support to Nyko upon learning about the massacre of her family, trying to comfort her and convince her that the tragedy was not Nyko's fault. Due to the strong emotional support she receives from Viktor, she feels a deep sense of trust in him.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Commander in Chief, Grey Hearts
Year of Birth
1497 AS 38 Years old
Birdsfell, Isles of Kyria
Parents (Adopting)
Willow Galanthus (partner)
Aligned Organization

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