Bethet Character in Myoth | World Anvil
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The Great Hunger, Bethet, was bound to the sea, devouring the immense expanse of water for many thousands of years. Over time, it grew into a gigantic creature, devouring creatures, land, earth and sea.   The Faye Marsh Wilds were still licking their wounds from the destruction caused by Shi-azarach.   With the assistance of Ranma binding its movement, Bethet slowed the beast, but the damage started to split the island, creating the great Archipelago.   Travelling High Elves from Aurelion were Planes-Shifted to this realm, their knowledge, compounded upon with the knowledge of magic afforded them the knowledge to build a chamber that neuralizes the God.   Forcing Bethet to eject the contents of its stomach, it resumed back to its original size, projecting into the heavens the mounds of earth and sea it held in its stomach, its land is now called Tu'yao.
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