Multiplicator Foci Technology / Science in Mundus meros (The world undiluted) | World Anvil
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Multiplicator Foci

A large manufactured magical focus that spreads its effect across a large area without decreasing the potency of the effect. Unlike a traditional focus these foci are massive and cannot be wielded by normal means, usually being mounted to a wall or ceiling instead. In order to use a multiplicator focus one must insert a specifically designed wand imbued with the desired spell you require into a slot either on the back or the side of the focus, otherwise the focus will remain a mundane piece of magical machinery.


A multiplicator focus is mainly used for increasing the area in which a spell of effect is broadcasted (in the case of an AOE spell) or increase the potency or output of another spell or effect (Non AOE spells). Though these foci are mostly used for the mass production of lower level magical items they also have some limited uses in a few other fields such as agriculture, construction, transportation, and projection. Some debate its use as a weapon of war, but most agree that due to its size it is much too large to be effective as a weapon on a mass scale.
Parent Technologies
Children Technologies
Access & Availability
While not unkown to see in magical factories and in select areas, it is still an extremely expensive item to purchase let alone use for anything beyond domestic purposes.
While not complex in its use, the process of constructing such a device is incredibly complex and expensive.
There has always been a want amongst practitioners of magic to increase the output of a spell or magical effect, and early on in the years after the Donum Autemystra event a group of wizards and inventors conceived what became what is known today as the modern Multiplicator Focus.

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