Aberatsium Material in Mundomirum | World Anvil
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The noise the pickaxes made when they struck rock was deafening. Times that by 1000 and you have the largest mine in Tsvergan - Imjan


Material Characteristics

This bright blue metal is dazzling. It is smooth and shiny. It has a slight phosphorescence and glows slightly when in complete darkness.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Aberatsium is a slightly alkaline substance that is hard and strong. It is not malleable but is ductile and sonorous like most metals. It is a great electrical conductor but not a good heat conductor. It is reactive but not radioactive. It is also lustrous.


It can used to make strong alloys such as Aberatsium-Titanite (Ab2Ti3)and Aberatsium-Tungstenite (AbW4)

Geology & Geography

It is found in the rich mines of Tsvergan especially those around Ignentis.

Origin & Source

The ore Zoragarrite (Ab3SO4) contains Aberatsium and is the major mineral used to obtain Aberatsium.

Life & Expiration

Supposedly on an 'island of stability', Aberatsium-496 has a half-life of 2,305,843,008,139,952,128 UMY which is amusingly, a perfect number. It is the isotope with the 14th longest half-life.

History & Usage


Aberatsium, originally believed to be sent from the gods has changed from a worshipped crystal to a material used in heavy machinery.


It was first isolated and therefore named by the dwarven chemist Bizkorrin Aberats in the year 5891UMY.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Originally, it was worshipped as its slight phosphorescence was deemed godly.

Industrial Use

It is used to strengthen many metal alloys.


It is refined using electrolysis as it is more reactive than carbon.

Manufacturing & Products

It is used in the production of ovens and other furnace type products as it conducts electricity but is an insulator of heat. It is also used in wires as it is such a strong conductor and very ductile.


It can be used to enhance anesthetics and is dangerous in that sense however it is not radioactive.

Environmental Impact

It is poisonous to some magical organisms like orcs and some plants however its impact's low.


Trade & Market

It is sold by top mining and industrial companies, usually to others in need of it. It is generally not found in the common household.


It is stored in secure vaults live that of gold or silver.

Law & Regulation

You must be a registered Aberatsium trader. This requires checks which involve legal uses and effective storage as well as no leakages.


Elemental / Molecular
UZ,153.52 per gram
Fairly Rare
Electric Blue
Boiling / Condensation Point
Melting / Freezing Point
Common State
Related Species

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