Luvenia Nithryon Character in Mundanus | World Anvil
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Luvenia Nithryon

Councilor of Nithrobia

Let us make a game out of it, then... If you do as I ask and bring these to Suderas without anybody noticing, I will fail to notice anything you do in Khazel for, oh, let's say, two years? ... Ten years, actually, because you're so sweet.
- Councilor Nithryon, to a reported agent of the Beggar's Councilor.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is a curvaceous, beautiful example of a Nithrobian elven female. Possessing almost unearthly beauty, it is difficult to not stare, regardless of a one's proclivities.

Body Features

Smooth, flawless, tanned skin. Long, flowing dark auburn hair which has a habit of spilling into her low-cut gowns.

Facial Features

She possesses soft, delicate facial features, with large, round eyes, hooded by dark eyelids, and full, pouting lips.

Physical quirks

She tends to touch the person to whom she speaks more than would otherwise be deemed appropriate.

Special abilities

Charm, wit, and social tact.

Apparel & Accessories

Her wardrobe is widely variable, but largely made up of tight-fitting silks and velvet gowns. Additionally, she is never seen without her jeweled circlet and pendant.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The youngest daughter of a pair of wealthy Nithrobian nobles, Luvenia was promised to the priesthood of the Endless Elegy. However, she had other plans and, through extraordinary tact and manufactured circumstance, found herself courted by both sons of a wealthy and very dangerous Nithrobian noble family. Rather than offend that family, her parents instead sent their second-youngest child to the priesthood, freeing Luvenia of her obligations and allowing her to marry. When she eventually did marry one of the sons after a very protracted courtship, he was soon murdered, and all evidence pointed to the other son, who was arrested and sentenced to death for fratricide, leaving Luvenia the only heir to a massive estate.   With her newfound wealth and influence, it did not take her long to ascend to the Nithrobian High Council, where she has served, apparently faithfully and benevolently, for many years.

Gender Identity





Numerous prestigious educational academies from youth into early adulthood. Largely educated in statecraft.


Prior to high councilor, noble.

Morality & Philosophy


Personality Characteristics


A discerning eye would see that Councilor Nithryon never removes her velvet or silk gloves when out of her own home. A truly discerning eye would observe that Councilor Nithryon never touches anything but her own clothing or person. Ever.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Sitting Councilor of Nithrobia
Year of Birth
2094 390 Years old
Current Residence
Dark blue, hooded
Dark auburn
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, smooth, flawless.
140 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Elven, Primordial, Common

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Jun 14, 2019 21:06

For the first paragraph thats the quote, try placing it inside [QUOTE]Text Here |Author[/QUOTE]   What do you mean by 'Extremely cleanly' ? Does she wear gloves in public? What would her house look like to a visitor? What is perceived as clean in the society she is apart of?   She seems like a very intriguing character to the world.

Jun 15, 2019 00:01

Thank you for the advice and further prompts! I'll have to flesh out a few of my answers.