Kingdom of Novarno Organization in Moria | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Novarno

Still establishing themselves after their successful rebellion against he kingdom of Zaconia, Novarno is a very new kingdom on the eastern coast of Moria.

Historically the region known as the Deepwoods along the east coast have been sparsely populated and ruled over by greater powers from afar. this has primarily been due to the fact that its dense forests have been an impermeable mess of monsters, trees, monstrous trees, and sheer lack of clearings have prevented any settlement from growing very large before being overrun or simply starving themselves out due to lack of trade routes.
but due to the recent migrations of elves from the far continents have lead to a change, now the local humans with guidance from elves desperate to carve out a new home with their woodland knowledge have been able to build great(ish) cities in the Deepwood. and all of a sudden forming stable trade routes to the deep wood is important? only so that some far off lord can collect taxes and levies from a people long spurned and ignored? it is no wonder that the denizens of the Deepwood new and old refused the king and fought a war to keep their land their own.

Now you see us.

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Deepwood Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Palace economy

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