From the desk of Dr. Edvard G. Sanguis, Vienna Document in Morgansborough | World Anvil
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From the desk of Dr. Edvard G. Sanguis, Vienna

Report on the Study of Homo Caedis and Their Offspring

This is a summary of observances noted by Dr. Sanguis and his study regarding the vascular disease which seems to only pass from one host to another via a mutual transference of blood via oral transfusion. Hosts are predominantly H. Caedis while all infected are H. Sapein. Asymptomatic carriers who exhibit limited primary and secondary characteristics of H. Caedis will be mentioned but are not the subjects of this study though still classified as H. Caedis.

From the desk of Dr. Edvard Sanguis of Vienna; a study encompassing 20 years, completed 1903.

After two decades of observance regarding the blood disease that alters the functionality of the host-bodies organs, I’ve been informed that those who have been made aware of the disease wish to keep the knowledge of the existence of the hosts from the layman.

This study is a biological study and did not include altered natural and sociological behavior. These are my findings.

Homo Sapien after a mutual transference of blood – primarily oral transfusion – from a Homo Caedis donor the receiver develops medical complaints, on average 48 hours after the transfusion not dissimilar to early signs of the disease known as Porphyria. All subjects after an average of 6 weeks, the minimum being 4 and maximum being 8, had completely converted to a full reliance on a diet of hematophagy.

All observers agree the Homo Sapien subject had evolved into a new subspecies of Homo Sapien forthwith known as Homo Caedis.

This particular vascular disease, which laymen call vampirism is known to mutate the subject’s internal and external features in primary and secondary stages which will be outlined at the end of this study. All observed subjects have altered organ functionality, halted maturation, photosensitivity, and hematophagia. Physical deformations such as sharper canines and primary molars, increased levels of keratin in the body, and improved reflexes and musculature that quickens natural movement which the subject naturally slows to mimic with their former species; all these mutations are utilized in a predatory manner to appeal to the desires of their prey.

There are no observable changes in hormone levels of the H. s. Caedis subjects when not deprived of hematophagy.

When hematophagy is prevented scientists have observed Homo Caedis undergo rapid maturation along with an extreme photosensitivity, more feral behavior, and a less favorable countenance is displayed.

When hematophagy is allowed to resume, subjects revert to the physical state prior to the removal of blood from their diet.

Although the Homo Sapien Caedis does not possess an aversion to common forms of sustenance, no nutritional benefit was observed from consumption.

When a number of pints of blood are consumed the Homo Caedis can go as many days without displaying any ill effects of malnutrition.

All attempts to administer blood of H. Sapien intravenously to H. Caedis were unsuccessful. H. Caedis had to receive blood orally to gain any nutritional benefit. Blood drank directly from H. Sapien rendered a higher benefit; blood drank indirectly – drawn and stored – rendered some benefit.

In 60% of H. Caedis patients’ reproductive organs were arrested during the exhibition of primary phase characteristics. The remaining 40% of H. Caedis that retained functioning reproductive organs were unlikely to find a mate that also retained reproductive function. After an average of 8 years 100% of subjects had lost all reproductive function found in H. Sapien.

The few breeding pairs of H. Caedis that have managed to procreate had no more than 2 offspring -- the instances of two Offspring were all twins, identical or fraternal. Female H. Caedis do not experience menstruation; fertility seems dependent on egg availability at the time primary characteristics manifest.

Offspring of Homo Caedis

Offspring appear in every respect as natural H. Sapien but do not trigger a predator/prey relationship with H. Caedis. They possess the ability to consume organic material and gain every nutritional benefit until physical maturation; they then seem to no longer require physical nourishment and possess no desire for hematophagy.

The Offspring only possess certain characteristics of primary and secondary conversion but not all; more anon. They are highly gregarious, even in early life, extraverted and empathetic; traits not observed in the parents H. Caedis.

Offspring were observed to have a different effect on the emotional states of H. Sapien – either positive or negative – especially when the element of physical touch was noted.

All Offspring, upon examination, possess pristine brains.

If H. Caedis Offspring went prolonged periods of time without the physical touch of H. Sapien they would experience certain psychosis episodes similar to ‘dementia praecox’. Contrariwise, H. Sapiens who has interacted with adult Offspring for prolonged periods of time would themselves display similar episodes of psychosis while the Offspring remained healthy.

The connection is unknown but noteworthy and intriguing.

As stated, there are two characteristics during conversion, primary and secondary. H. Caedis transformation does not alter the DNA of H. Sapien but organ functionality allows for rapid cell growth after trauma and preventing natural cell death unless deprived of the hematophagic diet.

If H. Caedis maintains its required diet of H. Sapien blood it experiences no cell death or exhibits no Porphyria-like neurological abnormalities.

Primary Characteristics (4-8 Weeks after initial transfusion)

Heart – *
  • Slows to a rate undetectable without the aid of an advanced tool for auscultation. It’s evident H Caedis must maintain some form of blood flow for the allowance of mobility and organ function. No post-mortem discoveries have been made.

Teeth –
  • Canines and premolars become noticeably sharper allowing to tear through human flesh.

Stomach, Kidneys, Liver, Digestive tract, etc. –
  • Organs adapt for a hematophagy diet for digestion and nutrient absorption. No material waste is produced.

Brain –
  • Circadian Rhythm adjusts for a nocturnal lifestyle.
  • Hormonal Baseline is altered – *
  • Hormones remain at a constant state to regulate bodily functions. Reason indeterminate.

Skin –
  • Complexion is flawless *
  • Hyperkeratosis **
  • Porphyrins in skin
Due to Porphyria? Causes photosensitivity.

Secondary Characteristics (within 7-10 years after Primary Characteristics manifest)

Muscular Development – *
  • Muscles become more adept allowing subject increased speed and agility

Reproductive Arrest – *
  • Now unable to further bear children. Transformation complete at this stage.

* - Traits also observed in H. Caedis Offspring.
Journal, Medical

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