The Sesper Species in Moorod/The Room | World Anvil
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The Sesper

In a world where factions fight endlessly, where cruel monsters prowl the land, and where the mighty experiment on whomever they wish, the sesper are a people of relief and even peace, a calm in the face of endless madness and death. The sesper rule the Uppergrowth, a tangled collection of downward facing trees and thick endless roots, where they produce some of the most delicious fruits in all of the realm of Moorod. Gifted in magic, they strive to bring peace and healing in a realm that has long forgotten such things. Beings in the image of humans, yet different than them, they are unique among the races of the Room, and yet must stay ever vigil, for darkness still spreads across Moorod, even reaching the leaf-coated roots of the Uppergrowth.

Basic Information


The sesper have basic similar anatomy to that of human and elven, with a human-like body above the waist, although slimmer and with more graceful features, and pale skin. Below the waist however, their body splits off into four serpentine-like tails, allowing them to move quickly across the thick roots, and earning them the name of "serpent folk". The sesper have one of the most efficient muscles systems, compared to the other races, and their flexible bones allow them to hang from the thick roots with ease, and give them great strength.

Genetics and Reproduction

The sesper reach sexual maturity around the same time as humans, but are known reach it before humans. Sesper mate with each other, with the male fertilizing the female's eggs, which develop and grow inside her, and the female lays the eggs later. The gestation period typically takes around eight months, with the sesper bei

Ecology and Habitats

The sesper reside in the Uppergrowth, their only known residence and home, and make a natural home in the trees and the tangled jungle of roots and green leaves.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The sesper, while capable of devouring meat, follow a more restricted and vegetarian diet, as most of the available food is only fruit or vegetables.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

"To look upon the face of a sesper" it is said, " is to look upon a pale mirror of true beauty." The face of a sesepr is that of a human, rivaling the beauty of the elven even, some say. They all have black hair, and very white complexions. Their eyes are yellow or green, with thin slits, and small pointed ears. They have sharp-pointed fangs, again compared to that of a snake, along with a partially-split tongue.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The sesper are found exclusively in the Uppergrowth, their only home.

Average Intelligence

The sesper are an intelligent race, one well-known for their wisdom and knowledge of the nature of plants and trees and roots, and are kind and compassionate.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The sesper have excellent vision, and are able to see well in the dark. They also are able to "taste" the air, and can see infrared rays, giving them great abilities in detecting sneak attacks. Other than that, they have typical senses, but some say that their mages or druids are able to listen to the roots, and see through the "eyes of nature".

Civilization and Culture


Their has always been the Uppergrowth, and their have always been the sesper to tend and nurture it, to the state that the great roots and catacombs of leafy green that sprawl across the entire ceiling of the Room. They grow and care for the great Uppergrowth, and provide the rare fruits and herbs to the kingdoms of Moorod, and are a people of peace and generosity, known for caring for those who need aid or healing, a voice of calm in a sea of chaos. Yet those who suffer their wrath never forget the great power of the sesper, who summon great roots and trees that twist and choke whole armies. All know not to cross the sesper.   Yet now as war again drums, the sesper must come to decide if they will fight with their allies in Nephinal, or if the battle of Moorod do not need them in it.
Scientific Name
Foklo saekan
Average Physique
A species able to hang from large roots with ease, maneuver the twisted confides of thick branches, and crush bones with their strong tails, the sesper are surprising in their strength, yet gentle with their great prowess. Their strong tails are capable of cracking bones and rips, and their grip is unescapable, yet they hardly ever need to use their great might, and are strive always for peace and amity before war.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The sesper are known for their paleness of skin, or rather scales. While the sesper may appear to have normal skin like any other race, upon closer inspection it is revealed that it is actual very minuscule scales, which the sesper shed periodically.

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