Dotty's Bar Building / Landmark in Monster of the Week | World Anvil
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Dotty's Bar

Dotty's was a dive bar in the economically depressed part of Silferton. Unchanged in decor and menu for over 25 years, and practically unchanged in price and jukebox selections, it was a regular hangout for many of those seeking to escape the enforced jollity of a holiday town.   It was burned down on Christmas Eve during Season One, Episode Three: "Holidays in the Snow." While most are unaware of the fact, it was Virgil Cloudwalker who committed this act of arson at the behest of his order for currently unknown reasons.


Dotty's was a stand-alone two-story structure built in the 1920s.
Christmas Eve, Season One, Episode Three
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
Related Report (Secondary Locations)

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