Solaris Settlement in Monoros | World Anvil
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Theocracy under the direct command of the Matriarch of Sol Invictus, who is herself a mouthpiece for Laurlin.


The city is encircled by the Shining Wall, constantly patrlled by the paladins of Sol Invictus.


Through the work of the clerics of Sol Invictus, mechanisms were developed to allow the city to absorb energy from the sun and utilize it for power. This serves to drive the portal network which runs between the Nine Havens.


The city is constructed entirely of enchanted white stone. The most notable feature of this is the glow it gives off when storing magic, leading to some nights where the city never goes dark.

Natural Resources

The most important resource to the city is the sun overhead, which allows the city to store magic and run the portals through the Nine Havens.
Alternative Name(s)
The First Haven
Large city
Characters in Location

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