Arborvane Settlement in Monoros | World Anvil
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The breadbasket of the Havens which produces most of the Havens’ agriculture. This "city" covers the largest area of any Haven due to additional power provided by the large amount of living organisms within the city and Shanra's ability to use their energy for the shield.


Rule comes directly through the Elf Queen, who is one of the most notable vessels for Shanra. Due to her lack of mobility, these orders are disseminated and enforced by large numbers of her agents.


Guard regiments patrol the borders, but threats occasionally make it through the perimeter. It is a common task for greenhorn adventurers to be asked to patrol or clean up messes.


The area of Arborvane is primarily taken by acres of and growing crops and livestock. These processes include hanging gardens and underground livestock housing to maximize space.
National Territory
Characters in Location

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