Czarnoth Character in Mirydain | World Anvil
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Czarnoth, also known as the Enemy of All Life, is a minor character in the Tales of Mirydain literary series.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To supplant Jeger Almáttugur (failed)   To upset Jeger's plans for His creations

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Czarnoth is described as a man-shaped being with a face as pale as death, hair black as a starless night, and eyes red as flame.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

According to the wise folk of Mirydain, Czarnoth was created in Paradisum by Jeger Almáttugur before the beginning of the World. However, as he had been created good, he was one of the Aniolr and was given the name Ljosinn, meaning "child of light". He was one of the Magar, clever and intelligent. However, Ljosinn was prideful and soon questioned Jeger's authority as Lord over all creation. He sowed seeds of discord among the Aniolr and convinced a number of them to follow him in his lust for power.   Eventually, Ljosinn rebelled against Jeger Almáttugur and attempted to take the realm of Paradisum for himself, thus marking the First Battle. But as the High King-Above-the-Heavens is holy and all-powerful, Ljosinn was easily defeated, and he and his followers were banished from Paradisum forever. They became known as the Myrkniolr, and Ljosinn called himself Czarnoth and formed his own kingdom in the dark realm of Undern.   Eventually, Czarnoth discovered that Jeger had created the World and that Adam and his beautiful wife Eve were living in the Earthly Paradise. And because the Creation was good, it was hateful to his eyes. Czarnoth hated to see the serenity of the Garden, the harmony that existed between Adam and the creatures, and the love and contentedness that Adam and Eve shared. It was more than his evil heart could bear. Czarnoth decided that he would ruin the goodness of the Creation, and he disguised himself as a serpent and observed Adam and Eve in secret.   One day when Eve was alone, Czarnoth whispered beguiling words into Eve’s ears and led her to the Tree of Knowledge. Eve explained that she and Adam were warned not to touch or eat the fruit of the tree, for they would die. Czarnoth tempted Eve, saying, “Of course you will not die, sweet one. Jeger knows that when you eat of this fruit, you and Adam will be like gods yourselves. You, lovely Eve, would make Adam wise; a god. And you would become his goddess.” And Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, and they knew they were naked. Jeger Almáttugur drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden for they had disobeyed Him, but Jeger promised Eve that one day, one of her offspring would defeat Czarnoth and make the world new and pure.

Gender Identity


Intellectual Characteristics

Czarnoth is cunning, deceptive, treacherous, scheming, and hateful to his core. He constantly seeks to make Jeger's good creation suffer by attempting to break their faith in the Eternal Father and then tempting them to commit evils, making them listen to him rather than Jeger.

Morality & Philosophy

Czarnoth is completely immoral, having been the first being to turn against the Eternal Father.

Personality Characteristics


Czarnoth's chief desire is to upset Jeger's good plan for His creations, which he relentlessly pursues.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Abilities: Deception, manipulation, discord, treachery, violence, greed   Weaknesses: Impotent, ignorant, and hateful

Vices & Personality flaws

As a being who was celestial and the first to turn against the High King-Above-the-Heavens, Czarnoth has no good in him whatsoever and has only evil.


Social Aptitude

Czarnoth is a charismatic being and often plays with the emotions and desires of Jeger's creations to lead them astray. He flatters those who think highly of themselves and whispers lies into his victim's ears to make them doubt the truth.
Divine Classification
Evil One
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Enemy of All Life, Fallen Maga, Tormentor of the World, Great Deceiver
Current Residence
Fiery red
Oily, matted
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deathly pale
Related Myths
Ruled Locations

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