Emain Ablach Settlement in Mindosza, Age of Dawnbreakers | World Anvil
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Emain Ablach

Emain Ablach is at the Center of the Blood Wood and the biggest, if not only, haven of Tuatha Dé Danann society. If Shona is the prime example of a premediated and planned approach to the Convergence, the Tuatha de Dánann are very much the opposite.

  Being a very elitist and arrogant society, most Elves were more concerned about their stature and livelyhood, than their realm. This led to them being rather unprepared to the horrors of the Convergence. After being driven to use vile magic practices to protect themselves in a last minute effort, the Forest around them turned to a grotesque and scarred image, driving most elementals out and protecting the Tuatha de Dánann, but while claiming a huge toll on them.

  Emain Ablach is at the center of the Blood Wood and these effects are probably most visible here. Most Trees and vegetation either turned to stone, or are perpetually "bleeding" a red magical substance, akin to acid that destorys everything it touches. While the Elves lost their supreme standing the the society, the other Ancestries, such as the Windling, have picked up this responsibility and share the burned of rebuilding and hopefully returning the Blood Wood to what it once was.

  While the intricate craftsmanship of elves, windlings and other Tuatha Ancestries can be seen at every turn, the city also has an aura of foreboding eerieniess. Despite for the Blood Wood being a dense almost jungle like forest, the source of the Blood Magic being Emain Ablach becomes quite apparent at every step, drawing closer to the center of the woods.

  Despite or because of this, the Tuatha have embraced an altruistic way of life, trying to remove the corruption and give back to nature what had been taken.
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