Coyol Character in Milemont | World Anvil
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Coyol is a Cleric of Azuma, the goddess of the sun. In his capacity as head priest of [Big Temple] in [City] in [Khnum], he has been instrumental in assisting Toteco in the defense of Khnum, and it was Coyol who's desctructive magic that allowed Toteco's scorched earth policy to be so brutally effective at short notice. Coyol literally burned bridges, as well as ships, buildings, crops, grain, and livestock while the Legio X was less than a day's march away.   The subsequent capture, journey, interrogation, torture by the Maximic authorities took a severe toll on Coyol's health and the power of his magic. Subsequent imprisonment in Cucullatum Silver Mine, where he was deprived of sunlight and communion with Azuma for months only made things worse.   Shortly before the campaign started, Coyol was deep in the Old Silvercomb Mine on a mining crew with the other Silver Mine Prisoners, when an Obsuctus killed one of the Cucullata Auxiliary Guards in his sleep. The prisoners managed to overpower the other guard, and break out of their shackles, but they were afraid of what would happen when it was noticed that the guards were dead and prisoners were missing. In Session 1, with the help of Huaco , the party discovered the Silver Mine Prisoners hiding in Prisoner's Camp near Rusty Creek Iron Mine.   In Session Three, Coyol uses Scorching Storm and Blinding Light to great effect against large numbers of Cucullata Auxiliary Guards in [Blacshale Lake] and at The Gut. This comes at great cost to his health, and after being hit with an crossbow bolt he loses consciousness.   The party carries him through danger, and briefly loses track of him as he falls from The Muddy Hand into the Big Big Dark Sea. He emerges from the sea a day later, still unconscious, saved by Iman Manuchekar.
Year of Birth
186 SSPM 54 Years old
Light Brown
Long, Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Brown
6' 2"

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