Thora Character in Midgard | World Anvil
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A novice warrior, but an inspiration to others.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Age 22. She wears her blonde hair long and loose, as is typical for an unmarried girl. She wears a light blue fillet of silk. Her body is broad, and strong, but not unfeminine.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thora grew up rough-housing with boys rather than learning to saw, and in her youth and young adulthood often raided travelers in the woods dressed as a man. She never married, or showed interest in marrying – and she felt little pressure to, because her fathers and uncles were killed in a blood feud many years ago. She lived peaceably with some older female relatives, her proceeds from raiding sustaining a modest lifestyle.   During Ragnarok, she incited women and girls to take up arms against the undead when the men had already killed each other in in-fighting. Though few would-be shieldmaidens survived, she was heralded as a hero. The experience changed her mindset entirely. Her mission was now to protect women, and to teach them how to protect themselves.

Intellectual Characteristics

Courageous, even by the scale that men measure themselves with. Sober-minded. Strongly prefers the company of women. She does not distrust men, but prefers to count on herself and her battle-sisters.

Personality Characteristics


To shield women from evil.
Quotes & Catchphrases
“Swina bollr! Ergi! Scaly…goat-turds!”

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