Soti Character in Midgard | World Anvil
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Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Soti has a shaven head and a hawkish face, with tattoos of strange beasts on his cheeks and forehead. He wears a deep, gray hood and smears ash across his eyes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Taken into thralldom as a child, he found the labor unsuitable and his masters cruel, so as a young man Soti escaped to a life as a robber, haunting valley roads throughout Norway. He would often pose as a fellow traveler to invade groups of two or three, and then rob them as they slept.   Eventually he was caught by a local chieftain’s huskarlar and given full outlawry for his crimes. He survived as a skogarmadr [man of the woods], sometimes banding with other outlaws. There, he would oft befriend travelers he met, but lead them into traps he set, or into the hands of his fellow outlaws.   In the tumult of Ragnarok, his crimes forgotten, he quietly rejoined society.

Personality Characteristics


Material wealth. To some extent, revenge on the chieftain who outlawed him.
Shaved bald
Quotes & Catchphrases
“Aye, you all look like the daring type! What do you say we seal our new friendship with a quest of sorts? My uncle, lost in the war, he buried a veritable hoard not far from here! But it’s dangerous out there for a man like me, and I could use a couple able swords to protect me. What do you say? Silver’s not worth much these days, but you’ll earn yourselves a fair share.”

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