Ongli Character in Midgard | World Anvil
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Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Age 30. A little taller than average, wiry, with dull blond hair. Pocked weatherworn skin.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A destitute Faroe Islander fisherman before Ragnarok, Ongli and his family escaped the terrors of Ragnarok by drifting on the open ocean. Only luck and his prayers to Thor preserved them. Once indifferent to religion, he is now fanatically devoted to the worship of the old gods. He sacrificed his fourth son, Hafthorir, to bless his ship. The sacrifice was abhorred by his family, who do not share his zeal.

Intellectual Characteristics

Single-minded devoted to his worship of Thor. Ongli is violently opposed to the worship of other gods, especially the Christian god.

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