Meinfret Character in Midgard | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Meinfret itself is a nickname. It means “stink-fart.”)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Old. Meinfret has few teeth, perhaps owing to his habit of chewing rawhide. Always dressed in a variety of leathers. Always stinking like tanning pits.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A hill-dweller who occasionally earned coin as a shepherd. He was often chased off the lands for skinning the sheep without being asked to do so, doing so while the sheep were still alive, and leaving the sheep where they could attract wolves.   He committed no known crimes to survive Ragnarok, but is still deeply off-putting.

Intellectual Characteristics

Grumpy and uncouth, constantly calling people by incorrect names. He is obsessed with skin, often running his hands along the arms or shoulders of those in close proximity to him. Something about his mannerisms makes you wonder, has he skinned a human yet…?

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