Reflected Reach
The Reflected Reach is a pocket dimension within the Plane of Faerie, a strange, heightened version of the Mortal Plane.
The landscape of the Plane of Faerie is ever-changing, twisting itself in response to the tides of chaos, and the minds of whichever mortals may be nearby. Travelers who have journeyed to the Plane of Faerie and returned usually describe their experience as though they were stumbling through a waking, fevered dream.
The Fae nobility are amongst the most powerful creatures in the Plane of Faerie, and they carve out their fiefdoms amidst the ever-changing psychogeography. These fiefdoms represent pockets of relative order amongst the wild chaos of the realm, and can even be mapped, though frequently only in a relative, rather than objective, manner. The Reflected Reach is perhaps the most orderly of these strange locales, though even it is shaped and reshaped by the capricious whims of its Fae ruler.
Geography of the Reach
The Reach itself is an idyllic landscape of lush green grass and rolling hills. Reprieve from the bright sun of an endless summer is granted by a scattering of fluffy, cotton-white clouds, leisurely sailing in a sapphire-blue sky. What may appear to be a haven at first glance quickly gives way, as the otherworldliness of the unending, near-featureless landscape soon gnaws at the psyche of even hardened travelers. Nothing grows here beyond the emerald blades of grass, and there is nothing living beyond those who stumble into this plane, and its mysterious Fae ruler. The only break in the monotony of the landscape lies at the center of the plane, where Tilmirrorn stands. A towering edifice of smooth, white stone, Tilmirrorn almost perfectly resembles the story-book castles of the elves in Human fairytales. Three tall towers rise above the gleaming outer walls, shaped like bamboo shoots reaching up to the sky. Within these towers dwells the regent of Tilmorrorn, and the Reflected Reach, the noble Fae known as the Hidden Lady.The Hidden Lady
Little is known of the Hidden Lady, and she is rarely seen outside the walls of her keep, let alone her demiplane. It is said that she, like most noble Fae, is impossibly beautiful, and any mortal who gazes upon her is immediately transfixed. It is said that she is veiled from head to foot, but when she reveals her face to speak, it is your own face that looks back at you. It is said that she was once part of the noble court of Fae, but was cursed for her vanity and exiled. The truth may be forever unknown, as few ever visit the Reflected Reach, and even fewer who do return in the same mind as they left.Connections and Portals
As with most locations on the Plane of Faerie, travelers most often find themselves in the Reflected Reach by simple happenstance. The most reliable way to get to the Reflected Reach is to stumble through a mirror, or to reach for your reflection in a pool of still water. Leaving the Reflected Reach is less simple. As a traveler reaches the edge of the demiplane, they will find that the air before them begins to shimmer and warp, as though they were looking at the landscape beyond through a broken mirror. By pushing through this curtain of shattered light, they will find themselves returned to the Mortal Plane, though not always in the same place they arrived from, and frequently bearing wounds as though they had been cut by glass.Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild