Quilopots Species in Mictlán | World Anvil
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The Qhuilopots are the most scary species that the Society has encounter, there’s no much information about them because there is only forensic information and security recording or satellite recordings, very few testimonies not many people survive an infestation.   They are like something out of a horror movie, like piranhas or locust or a marabunta the size of a planet, they arrive in a meteorite when it’s a large infection on one move, or they just start to fall by the millions on a planet or station. Their exoskeleton allow them to resist the impacts and the entery to atmosphere, their hive is in the Obscure system, they infections that they send all over the galaxy calculus estimate it came from there, a previously unknown system.   There has been only a few intents to enter the system or land on one of the planets but all mission are declared missing or dead, there is no responds from any them when they get close to the system.

Basic Information


It’s suspected that there is several types of Quilopots, but mainly you only see 3 types, the soldier; its the one you see the most, the soldier it’s the main ground problem, a extremely fast like ant creature extremely deadly on it’s own but the problem it’s the number they always came in hundreds of thousand. The trains, they are not as common as the soldier but they are even more dangerous, long, armour serial killer, take any vehicle or structure in it’s path. And the Wasp, the flying horror, there is no ship that can move to the same speed or take as many targets at once.

Etapas y ritmo de crecimiento

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Ecología y hábitat

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Necesidades y hábitos alimenticios

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Ciclo biológico

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Additional Information

Estructura social

They are a hive mind every member acting under a bigger consciences every member acting as a hole, every action it’s for the species.

Percepción y capacidades sensoriales

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Origen o linaje
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